Hi Sergei,

> Peter Tyser wrote:
> >>>> +#ifdef I2C_ADDR_IGNORE_LIST
> >>>> +        unsigned char i2c_ignore_list[] = I2C_ADDR_IGNORE_LIST;
> >>>     This array is aking to be *static*...
> >> ... and *const* as well ?
> > I'll add 'const' in the next version, but I'm not sure if the 'static'
> > adds any benefit since its a local variable.
>     Have you considered the amount of code needed for non-static array 
> initialization?

I think I did:)  I'd think a const array would generate nearly identical
code with or without the static qualifier.  In either case the function
will load a pointer to the array and loop through it.  The array should
be stored in the data section of the U-Boot binary so I'm not sure how
the array initialization differs.  I did a quick comparison for this
specific case and the resulting sizes came out the same:
pty...@petert u-boot $ size ./i2c-static.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    347      12       0     359     167 ./i2c-static.o
pty...@petert u-boot $ size ./i2c-nonstatic.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    347      12       0     359     167 ./i2c-nonstatic.o

Is there something I'm overlooking?


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