This adds several commands to add, list, and remove log filters. Due to the
complexity of adding a filter, `log filter-list` uses options instead of
positional arguments.

These commands have been added as subcommands to log by using a dash to
join the subcommand and subsubcommand. This is stylistic, and they could be
converted to proper subsubcommands if it is wished.

Signed-off-by: Sean Anderson <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>

(no changes since v2)

Changes in v2:
- Add option to remove all filters to filter-remove
- Clarify filter-* help text

 cmd/Kconfig |   1 +
 cmd/log.c   | 240 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 241 insertions(+)

diff --git a/cmd/Kconfig b/cmd/Kconfig
index a3166e4f31..768ac541b2 100644
--- a/cmd/Kconfig
+++ b/cmd/Kconfig
@@ -2218,6 +2218,7 @@ config CMD_KGDB
 config CMD_LOG
        bool "log - Generation, control and access to logging"
        select LOG
+       select GETOPT
          This provides access to logging features. It allows the output of
          log data to be controlled to a limited extent (setting up the default
diff --git a/cmd/log.c b/cmd/log.c
index 596bc73f47..6190a274e4 100644
--- a/cmd/log.c
+++ b/cmd/log.c
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 #include <common.h>
 #include <command.h>
 #include <dm.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
 #include <log.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
 static char log_fmt_chars[LOGF_COUNT] = "clFLfm";
@@ -84,6 +86,220 @@ static int do_log_drivers(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, 
int argc,
        return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+static int do_log_filter_list(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
+                             char *const argv[])
+       int opt;
+       const char *drv_name = "console";
+       struct getopt_state gs;
+       struct log_filter *filt;
+       struct log_device *ldev;
+       getopt_init_state(&gs);
+       while ((opt = getopt(&gs, argc, argv, "d:")) > 0) {
+               switch (opt) {
+               case 'd':
+                       drv_name = gs.arg;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+               }
+       }
+       if (gs.index != argc)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       ldev = log_device_find_by_name(drv_name);
+       if (!ldev) {
+               printf("Could not find log device for \"%s\"\n", drv_name);
+               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+       }
+       printf("num policy level           categories files\n");
+       list_for_each_entry(filt, &ldev->filter_head, sibling_node) {
+               printf("%3d %6.6s %s%-7.7s ", filt->filter_num,
+                      filt->flags & LOGFF_DENY ? "deny" : "allow",
+                      filt->flags & LOGFF_LEVEL_MIN ? ">=" : "<=",
+                      log_get_level_name(filt->level));
+               if (filt->flags & LOGFF_HAS_CAT) {
+                       int i;
+                       if (filt->cat_list[0] != LOGC_END)
+                               printf("%16.16s %s\n",
+                                      log_get_cat_name(filt->cat_list[0]),
+                                      filt->file_list ? filt->file_list : "");
+                       for (i = 1; i < LOGF_MAX_CATEGORIES &&
+                                   filt->cat_list[i] != LOGC_END; i++)
+                               printf("%20c %16.16s\n", ' ',
+                                      log_get_cat_name(filt->cat_list[i]));
+               } else {
+                       printf("%16c %s\n", ' ',
+                              filt->file_list ? filt->file_list : "");
+               }
+       }
+       return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+static int do_log_filter_add(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
+                            char *const argv[])
+       bool level_set = false;
+       bool print_num = false;
+       bool type_set = false;
+       char *file_list = NULL;
+       const char *drv_name = "console";
+       int opt, err;
+       int cat_count = 0;
+       int flags = 0;
+       enum log_category_t cat_list[LOGF_MAX_CATEGORIES + 1];
+       enum log_level_t level = LOGL_MAX;
+       struct getopt_state gs;
+       getopt_init_state(&gs);
+       while ((opt = getopt(&gs, argc, argv, "Ac:d:Df:l:L:p")) > 0) {
+               switch (opt) {
+               case 'A':
+#define do_type() do { \
+                       if (type_set) { \
+                               printf("Allow or deny set twice\n"); \
+                               return CMD_RET_USAGE; \
+                       } \
+                       type_set = true; \
+} while (0)
+                       do_type();
+                       break;
+               case 'c': {
+                       enum log_category_t cat;
+                       if (cat_count >= LOGF_MAX_CATEGORIES) {
+                               printf("Too many categories\n");
+                               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+                       }
+                       cat = log_get_cat_by_name(gs.arg);
+                       if (cat == LOGC_NONE) {
+                               printf("Unknown category \"%s\"\n", gs.arg);
+                               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+                       }
+                       cat_list[cat_count++] = cat;
+                       break;
+               }
+               case 'd':
+                       drv_name = gs.arg;
+                       break;
+               case 'D':
+                       do_type();
+                       flags |= LOGFF_DENY;
+                       break;
+               case 'f':
+                       file_list = gs.arg;
+                       break;
+               case 'l':
+#define do_level() do { \
+                       if (level_set) { \
+                               printf("Log level set twice\n"); \
+                               return CMD_RET_USAGE; \
+                       } \
+                       level = parse_log_level(gs.arg); \
+                       if (level == LOGL_NONE) \
+                               return CMD_RET_FAILURE; \
+                       level_set = true; \
+} while (0)
+                       do_level();
+                       break;
+               case 'L':
+                       do_level();
+                       flags |= LOGFF_LEVEL_MIN;
+                       break;
+               case 'p':
+                       print_num = true;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+               }
+       }
+       if (gs.index != argc)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       cat_list[cat_count] = LOGC_END;
+       err = log_add_filter_flags(drv_name, cat_count ? cat_list : NULL, level,
+                                  file_list, flags);
+       if (err < 0) {
+               printf("Could not add filter (err = %d)\n", err);
+               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+       } else if (print_num) {
+               printf("%d\n", err);
+       }
+       return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+static int do_log_filter_remove(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
+                               char *const argv[])
+       bool all = false;
+       int opt, err;
+       ulong filter_num;
+       const char *drv_name = "console";
+       struct getopt_state gs;
+       getopt_init_state(&gs);
+       while ((opt = getopt(&gs, argc, argv, "ad:")) > 0) {
+               switch (opt) {
+               case 'a':
+                       all = true;
+                       break;
+               case 'd':
+                       drv_name = gs.arg;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+               }
+       }
+       if (all) {
+               struct log_filter *filt, *tmp_filt;
+               struct log_device *ldev;
+               if (gs.index != argc)
+                       return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+               ldev = log_device_find_by_name(drv_name);
+               if (!ldev) {
+                       printf("Could not find log device for \"%s\"\n",
+                              drv_name);
+                       return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+               }
+               list_for_each_entry_safe(filt, tmp_filt, &ldev->filter_head,
+                                        sibling_node) {
+                       list_del(&filt->sibling_node);
+                       free(filt);
+               }
+       } else {
+               if (gs.index + 1 != argc)
+                       return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+               if (strict_strtoul(argv[gs.index], 10, &filter_num)) {
+                       printf("Invalid filter number \"%s\"\n", 
+                       return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+               }
+               err = log_remove_filter(drv_name, filter_num);
+               if (err) {
+                       printf("Could not remove filter (err = %d)\n", err);
+                       return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+               }
+       }
+       return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
 static int do_log_format(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
                         char *const argv[])
@@ -162,6 +378,26 @@ static char log_help_text[] =
        "level [<level>] - get/set log level\n"
        "categories - list log categories\n"
        "drivers - list log drivers\n"
+       "log filter-list [OPTIONS] - list all filters for a log driver\n"
+       "\t-d <driver> - Specify the log driver to list filters from; 
+       "\t              to console\n"
+       "log filter-add [OPTIONS] - add a new filter to a driver\n"
+       "\t-A - Allow messages matching this filter; mutually exclusive with 
+       "\t     This is the default.\n"
+       "\t-c <category> - Category to match; may be specified multiple times\n"
+       "\t-d <driver> - Specify the log driver to add the filter to; 
+       "\t              to console\n"
+       "\t-D - Deny messages matching this filter; mutually exclusive with 
+       "\t-f <files_list> - A comma-separated list of files to match\n"
+       "\t-l <level> - Match log levels less than or equal to <level>;\n"
+       "\t             mutually-exclusive with -L\n"
+       "\t-L <level> - Match log levels greather than or equal to <level>;\n"
+       "\t             mutually-exclusive with -l\n"
+       "\t-p - Print the filter number on success\n"
+       "log filter-remove [OPTIONS] [<num>] - Remove filter number <num>\n"
+       "\t-a - Remove ALL filters\n"
+       "\t-d <driver> - Specify the log driver to remove the filter from;\n"
+       "\t              defaults to console\n"
        "log format <fmt> - set log output format. <fmt> is a string where\n"
        "\teach letter indicates something that should be displayed:\n"
        "\tc=category, l=level, F=file, L=line number, f=function, m=msg\n"
@@ -175,6 +411,10 @@ U_BOOT_CMD_WITH_SUBCMDS(log, "log system", log_help_text,
        U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT(level, 2, 1, do_log_level),
        U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT(categories, 1, 1, do_log_categories),
        U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT(drivers, 1, 1, do_log_drivers),
+       U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT(filter-list, 3, 1, do_log_filter_list),
+                           do_log_filter_add),
+       U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT(filter-remove, 4, 1, do_log_filter_remove),
        U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT(format, 2, 1, do_log_format),
        U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT(rec, 7, 1, do_log_rec),

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