Logging category lists are terminated by LOGC_END, not LOGC_NONE.

Fixes: e9c8d49d54 ("log: Add an implementation of logging")

Signed-off-by: Sean Anderson <sean...@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de>

(no changes since v2)

Changes in v2:
- Also fix misdocumentation of for log_add_filter()

 include/log.h | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/log.h b/include/log.h
index 4acc087b2e..3487c936c9 100644
--- a/include/log.h
+++ b/include/log.h
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ enum log_filter_flags {
  *     new filter, and must be provided when removing a previously added
  *     filter.
  * @flags: Flags for this filter (LOGFF_...)
- * @cat_list: List of categories to allow (terminated by LOGC_none). If empty
+ * @cat_list: List of categories to allow (terminated by %LOGC_END). If empty
  *     then all categories are permitted. Up to LOGF_MAX_CATEGORIES entries
  *     can be provided
  * @max_level: Maximum log level to allow
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ int do_log_test(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, 
char *const argv[]);
  * @drv_name: Driver name to add the filter to (since each driver only has a
  *     single device)
- * @cat_list: List of categories to allow (terminated by LOGC_none). If empty
+ * @cat_list: List of categories to allow (terminated by %LOGC_END). If empty
  *     then all categories are permitted. Up to LOGF_MAX_CATEGORIES entries
  *     can be provided
  * @max_level: Maximum log level to allow

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