On 20/09/2020 02.49, Simon Glass wrote: > The intention which bloblists is that each blob's data is aligned in > memory. At present it is only the headers that are aligned. > > Update the code to correct this and add a little more documentation.
Hi Simon I haven't read this patch in detail, but I have a general request regarding changes to the bloblist layout: Backwards compatibility - in the sense that, if the bloblist is generated by SPL from 2020.04, that should also be usable from a U-Boot proper as of 2021.01 etc. While I/we don't actually use bloblist currently, we have some ideas for what we might use it for on various boards. But, on at least one board, our SPL is stored in read-only storage after production, while we have redundant (and updatable) copies of U-Boot proper - so it's important that a future U-Boot can also grok a bloblist generated by earlier code. Is that guaranteed? Thanks, Rasmus