
>> Maybe i will go to find some more convertor cables, just for curiousity
>> and to see how they behave. Does someone know a website listing usb
>> convertor cables and compare their "quality" ? I did not find such....
> Did you try http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/ ?

great link, thanks !

> See, that's another reason why we still have such problems - once a
> hardware replacement is found, the problem is no longer pursued.

Oh, have a look on the linux bugtracker or other linux communities.
I have seen so many problems go away by hardware replacement
("sorry, i can`t reproduce the problem, i gave back the mobo and bought
a new one...."). But even more problems were not solved because either
nobody cared or nobody cared soon enough.....

Anyway, i found one of the problematic USB bridge cables being problematic
on my new netbook, too (disk not being recognized), so i assume it`s really
crap and my 2 failing setups are mostly due to bad hardware. I will keep an
eye on that and report my findings, if appreciated.


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