Add ASL files for the Chrome OS EC, taken from coreboot.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

(no changes since v1)

 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ac.asl      |  22 +
 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/als.asl     |  56 ++
 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/battery.asl | 411 +++++++++++++
 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/cros_ec.asl |  57 ++
 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ec.asl      | 557 ++++++++++++++++++
 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/emem.asl    |  53 ++
 .../asm/acpi/cros_ec/keyboard_backlight.asl   |  52 ++
 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/pd.asl      |  15 +
 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/superio.asl | 159 +++++
 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/tbmc.asl    |  23 +
 10 files changed, 1405 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ac.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/als.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/battery.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/cros_ec.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ec.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/emem.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/keyboard_backlight.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/pd.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/superio.asl
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/tbmc.asl

diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ac.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80e0ebd3ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ac.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+// Scope (EC0)
+Device (AC)
+       Name (_HID, "ACPI0003")
+       Name (_PCL, Package () { \_SB })
+       Method (_PSR)
+       {
+               Return (ACEX)
+       }
+       Method (_STA)
+       {
+               Return (0x0F)
+       }
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/als.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3d40f889c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/als.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ */
+Device (ALS)
+       Name (_HID, "ACPI0008")
+       Name (_UID, 1)
+       Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Return (0xF)
+       }
+       /*
+        * Returns the current ambient light illuminance reading in lux
+        *
+        *  0: Reading is below the range of sensitivity of the sensor
+        * -1: Reading is above the range or sensitivity of the sensor
+        */
+       Method (_ALI, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Return (^^ALS0)
+       }
+       /*
+        * Returns a recommended polling frequency in tenths of seconds
+        *
+        *  0: No need to poll, async notifications will indicate changes
+        */
+       Name (_ALP, 10)
+       /*
+        * Returns a package of packages where each tuple consists of a pair
+        * of integers mapping ambient light illuminance to display brightness.
+        *
+        * {<display luminance adjustment>, <ambient light illuminance>}
+        *
+        * Ambient light illuminance values are specified in lux.
+        *
+        * Display luminance adjustment values are relative percentages where
+        * 100 is no (0%) display brightness adjustment.  Values <100 indicate
+        * negative adjustment (dimming) and values >100 indicate positive
+        * adjustment (brightening).
+        *
+        * This is currently unused by the Linux kernel ACPI ALS driver but
+        * is required by the ACPI specification so just define a basic two
+        * point response curve.
+        */
+       Name (_ALR, Package ()
+       {
+               Package () { 70, 30 },    // Min { -30% adjust at 30 lux }
+               Package () { 150, 1000 }  // Max { +50% adjust at 1000 lux }
+       })
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/battery.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f106088231e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/battery.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+/*/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+// Scope (EC0)
+/* Mutex for EC battery index interface */
+Mutex (BATM, 0)
+// Wait for desired battery index to be presented in shared memory
+//   Arg0 = battery index
+//   Returns Zero on success, One on error.
+Method (BTSW, 1)
+       If (LEqual (BTIX, Arg0)) {
+               Return (Zero)
+       }
+       If (LGreaterEqual (Arg0, BTCN)) {
+               Return (One)
+       }
+       Store (Arg0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.BTID)
+       Store (5, Local0)      // Timeout 5 msec
+       While (LNotEqual (BTIX, Arg0))
+       {
+               Sleep (1)
+               Decrement (Local0)
+               If (LEqual (Local0, Zero))
+               {
+                       Return (One)
+               }
+       }
+       If (LNotEqual (0, Arg0)) {
+               Return (One)
+       }
+       Return (Zero)
+// _STA implementation.
+//   Arg0 = battery index
+Method (BSTA, 1, Serialized)
+       If (Acquire (^BATM, 1000)) {
+               Return (Zero)
+       }
+       If (And(Not(BTSW (Arg0)), BTEX)) {
+               Store (0x1F, Local0)
+       } Else {
+               Store (0x0F, Local0)
+       }
+       Release (^BATM)
+       Return (Local0)
+// _BIF implementation.
+//   Arg0 = battery index
+//   Arg1 = PBIF
+Method (BBIF, 2, Serialized)
+       If (Acquire (^BATM, 1000)) {
+               Return (Arg1)
+       }
+       If (BTSW (Arg0)) {
+               Release (^BATM)
+               Return (Arg1)
+       }
+       // Last Full Charge Capacity
+       Store (BTDF, Index (Arg1, 2))
+       // Design Voltage
+       Store (BTDV, Index (Arg1, 4))
+       // Design Capacity
+       Store (BTDA, Local0)
+       Store (Local0, Index (Arg1, 1))
+       // Design Capacity of Warning
+       Divide (Multiply (Local0, DWRN), 100, , Local2)
+       Store (Local2, Index (Arg1, 5))
+       // Design Capacity of Low
+       Divide (Multiply (Local0, DLOW), 100, , Local2)
+       Store (Local2, Index (Arg1, 6))
+       // Get battery info from mainboard
+       Store (ToString(Concatenate(BMOD, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 9))
+       Store (ToString(Concatenate(BSER, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 10))
+       Store (ToString(Concatenate(BMFG, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 12))
+       Release (^BATM)
+       Return (Arg1)
+// _BIX implementation.
+//   Arg0 = battery index
+//   Arg1 = PBIX
+Method (BBIX, 2, Serialized)
+       If (Acquire (^BATM, 1000)) {
+               Return (Arg1)
+       }
+       If (BTSW (Arg0)) {
+               Release (^BATM)
+               Return (Arg1)
+       }
+       // Last Full Charge Capacity
+       Store (BTDF, Index (Arg1, 3))
+       // Design Voltage
+       Store (BTDV, Index (Arg1, 5))
+       // Design Capacity
+       Store (BTDA, Local0)
+       Store (Local0, Index (Arg1, 2))
+       // Design Capacity of Warning
+       Divide (Multiply (Local0, DWRN), 100, , Local2)
+       Store (Local2, Index (Arg1, 6))
+       // Design Capacity of Low
+       Divide (Multiply (Local0, DLOW), 100, , Local2)
+       Store (Local2, Index (Arg1, 7))
+       // Cycle Count
+       Store (BTCC, Index (Arg1, 8))
+       // Get battery info from mainboard
+       Store (ToString(Concatenate(BMOD, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 16))
+       Store (ToString(Concatenate(BSER, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 17))
+       Store (ToString(Concatenate(BMFG, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 19))
+       Release (^BATM)
+       Return (Arg1)
+// _BST implementation.
+//   Arg0 = battery index
+//   Arg1 = PBST
+//   Arg2 = BSTP
+//   Arg3 = BFWK
+Method (BBST, 4, Serialized)
+       If (Acquire (^BATM, 1000)) {
+               Return (Arg1)
+       }
+       If (BTSW (Arg0)) {
+               Release (^BATM)
+               Return (Arg1)
+       }
+       //
+       // 0: BATTERY STATE
+       //
+       // bit 0 = discharging
+       // bit 1 = charging
+       // bit 2 = critical level
+       //
+       Store (Zero, Local1)
+       // Check if AC is present
+       If (ACEX) {
+               If (BFCG) {
+                       Store (0x02, Local1)
+               } ElseIf (BFDC) {
+                       Store (0x01, Local1)
+               }
+       } Else {
+               // Always discharging when on battery power
+               Store (0x01, Local1)
+       }
+       // Check for critical battery level
+       If (BFCR) {
+               Or (Local1, 0x04, Local1)
+       }
+       Store (Local1, Index (Arg1, 0))
+       // Notify if battery state has changed since last time
+       If (LNotEqual (Local1, DeRefOf (Arg2))) {
+               Store (Local1, Arg2)
+               If (LEqual(Arg0, 0)) {
+                       Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+               }
+               Else {
+                       Notify (BAT1, 0x80)
+               }
+       }
+       //
+       //
+       Store (BTPR, Index (Arg1, 1))
+       //
+       //
+       Store (BTRA, Local1)
+       If (LAnd (Arg3, LAnd (ACEX, LNot (LAnd (BFDC, BFCG))))) {
+               // On AC power and battery is neither charging
+               // nor discharging.  Linux expects a full battery
+               // to report same capacity as last full charge.
+               //
+               Store (BTDF, Local2)
+               // See if within ~6% of full
+               ShiftRight (Local2, 4, Local3)
+               If (LAnd (LGreater (Local1, Subtract (Local2, Local3)),
+                         LLess (Local1, Add (Local2, Local3))))
+               {
+                       Store (Local2, Local1)
+               }
+       }
+       Store (Local1, Index (Arg1, 2))
+       //
+       //
+       Store (BTVO, Index (Arg1, 3))
+       Release (^BATM)
+       Return (Arg1)
+Device (BAT0)
+       Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C0A"))
+       Name (_UID, 1)
+       Name (_PCL, Package () { \_SB })
+       Name (PBIF, Package () {
+               0x00000001,  // 0x00: Power Unit: mAh
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x01: Design Capacity
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x02: Last Full Charge Capacity
+               0x00000001,  // 0x03: Battery Technology: Rechargeable
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x04: Design Voltage
+               0x00000003,  // 0x05: Design Capacity of Warning
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x06: Design Capacity of Low
+               0x00000001,  // 0x07: Capacity Granularity 1
+               0x00000001,  // 0x08: Capacity Granularity 2
+               "",          // 0x09: Model Number
+               "",          // 0x0a: Serial Number
+               "LION",      // 0x0b: Battery Type
+               ""           // 0x0c: OEM Information
+       })
+       Name (PBIX, Package () {
+               0x00000000,  // 0x00: Revision
+               0x00000001,  // 0x01: Power Unit: mAh
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x02: Design Capacity
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x03: Last Full Charge Capacity
+               0x00000001,  // 0x04: Battery Technology: Rechargeable
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x05: Design Voltage
+               0x00000003,  // 0x06: Design Capacity of Warning
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x07: Design Capacity of Low
+               0x00000000,  // 0x08: Cycle Count
+               0x00018000,  // 0x09: Measurement Accuracy (98.3%?)
+               0x000001F4,  // 0x0a: Max Sampling Time (500ms)
+               0x0000000a,  // 0x0b: Min Sampling Time (10ms)
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x0c: Max Averaging Interval
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x0d: Min Averaging Interval
+               0x00000001,  // 0x0e: Capacity Granularity 1
+               0x00000001,  // 0x0f: Capacity Granularity 2
+               "",          // 0x10 Model Number
+               "",          // 0x11: Serial Number
+               "LION",      // 0x12: Battery Type
+               ""           // 0x13: OEM Information
+       })
+       Name (PBST, Package () {
+               0x00000000,  // 0x00: Battery State
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x01: Battery Present Rate
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x02: Battery Remaining Capacity
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x03: Battery Present Voltage
+       })
+       Name (BSTP, Zero)
+       // Workaround for full battery status, disabled by default
+       Name (BFWK, Zero)
+       // Method to enable full battery workaround
+       Method (BFWE)
+       {
+               Store (One, BFWK)
+       }
+       // Method to disable full battery workaround
+       Method (BFWD)
+       {
+               Store (Zero, BFWK)
+       }
+       Method (_STA, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Return (BSTA (0))
+       }
+       Method (_BIF, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Return (BBIF (0, PBIF))
+       }
+       Method (_BIX, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Return (BBIX (0, PBIX))
+       }
+       Method (_BST, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Return (BBST (0, PBST, RefOf (BSTP), BFWK))
+       }
+Device (BAT1)
+       Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C0A"))
+       Name (_UID, 1)
+       Name (_PCL, Package () { \_SB })
+       Name (PBIF, Package () {
+               0x00000001,  // 0x00: Power Unit: mAh
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x01: Design Capacity
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x02: Last Full Charge Capacity
+               0x00000001,  // 0x03: Battery Technology: Rechargeable
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x04: Design Voltage
+               0x00000003,  // 0x05: Design Capacity of Warning
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x06: Design Capacity of Low
+               0x00000001,  // 0x07: Capacity Granularity 1
+               0x00000001,  // 0x08: Capacity Granularity 2
+               "",          // 0x09: Model Number
+               "",          // 0x0a: Serial Number
+               "LION",      // 0x0b: Battery Type
+               ""           // 0x0c: OEM Information
+       })
+       Name (PBIX, Package () {
+               0x00000000,  // 0x00: Revision
+               0x00000001,  // 0x01: Power Unit: mAh
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x02: Design Capacity
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x03: Last Full Charge Capacity
+               0x00000001,  // 0x04: Battery Technology: Rechargeable
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x05: Design Voltage
+               0x00000003,  // 0x06: Design Capacity of Warning
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x07: Design Capacity of Low
+               0x00000000,  // 0x08: Cycle Count
+               0x00018000,  // 0x09: Measurement Accuracy (98.3%?)
+               0x000001F4,  // 0x0a: Max Sampling Time (500ms)
+               0x0000000a,  // 0x0b: Min Sampling Time (10ms)
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x0c: Max Averaging Interval
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x0d: Min Averaging Interval
+               0x00000001,  // 0x0e: Capacity Granularity 1
+               0x00000001,  // 0x0f: Capacity Granularity 2
+               "",          // 0x10 Model Number
+               "",          // 0x11: Serial Number
+               "LION",      // 0x12: Battery Type
+               ""           // 0x13: OEM Information
+       })
+       Name (PBST, Package () {
+               0x00000000,  // 0x00: Battery State
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x01: Battery Present Rate
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x02: Battery Remaining Capacity
+               0xFFFFFFFF,  // 0x03: Battery Present Voltage
+       })
+       Name (BSTP, Zero)
+       // Workaround for full battery status, disabled by default
+       Name (BFWK, Zero)
+       // Method to enable full battery workaround
+       Method (BFWE)
+       {
+               Store (One, BFWK)
+       }
+       // Method to disable full battery workaround
+       Method (BFWD)
+       {
+               Store (Zero, BFWK)
+       }
+       Method (_STA, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Return (BSTA (1))
+       }
+       Method (_BIF, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Return (BBIF (1, PBIF))
+       }
+       Method (_BIX, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Return (BBIX (1, PBIX))
+       }
+       Method (_BST, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Return (BBST (1, PBST, RefOf (BSTP), BFWK))
+       }
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/cros_ec.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f50185b70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/cros_ec.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+ */
+Device (CREC)
+       Name (_HID, "GOOG0004")
+       Name (_UID, 1)
+       Name (_DDN, "EC Command Device")
+       Name (_PRW, Package () { EC_ENABLE_WAKE_PIN, 0x5 })
+       Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+       {
+               Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Exclusive)
+               {
+                       EC_SYNC_IRQ
+               }
+       })
+       Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+       {
+               GpioInt (Level, ActiveLow, Exclusive, PullDefault, 0x0000,
+                        "\\_SB.GPIO", 0x00, ResourceConsumer, ,)
+               {
+                       EC_SYNC_IRQ
+               }
+       })
+       Device (CKSC)
+       {
+               Name (_HID, "GOOG0007")
+               Name (_UID, 1)
+               Name (_DDN, "EC MKBP Device")
+       }
+       Device (CBAS)
+       {
+               Name (_HID, "GOOG000B")
+               Name (_UID, 1)
+               Name (_DDN, "EC Base Switch Device")
+       }
+       Method(_STA, 0)
+       {
+               Return (0xB)
+       }
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ec.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..03f57f25a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ec.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * The mainboard must define a PNOT method to handle power
+ * state notifications and Notify CPU device objects to
+ * re-evaluate their _PPC and _CST tables.
+ */
+// Mainboard specific throttle handler
+External (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG, DeviceObj)
+Device (EC0)
+       Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C09"))
+       Name (_UID, 1)
+       Name (_GPE, EC_SCI_GPI)
+       Name (DWRN, 15)         // Battery capacity warning at 15%
+       Name (DLOW, 10)         // Battery capacity low at 10%
+       OperationRegion (ERAM, EmbeddedControl, 0x00, EC_ACPI_MEM_MAPPED_BEGIN)
+       Field (ERAM, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve)
+       {
+               Offset (0x00),
+               RAMV, 8,        // EC RAM Version
+               TSTB, 8,        // Test Byte
+               TSTC, 8,        // Complement of Test Byte
+               KBLV, 8,        // Keyboard Backlight value
+               FAND, 8,        // Set Fan Duty Cycle
+               PATI, 8,        // Programmable Auxiliary Trip Sensor ID
+               PATT, 8,        // Programmable Auxiliary Trip Threshold
+               PATC, 8,        // Programmable Auxiliary Trip Commit
+               CHGL, 8,        // Charger Current Limit
+               TBMD, 1,        // Tablet mode
+               DDPN, 3,        // Device DPTF Profile Number
+               // DFUD must be 0 for the other 31 values to be valid
+               Offset (0x0a),
+               DFUD, 1,        // Device Features Undefined
+               FLSH, 1,        // Flash commands present
+               PFAN, 1,        // PWM Fan control present
+               KBLE, 1,        // Keyboard Backlight present
+               LTBR, 1,        // Lightbar present
+               LEDC, 1,        // LED control
+               MTNS, 1,        // Motion sensors present
+               KEYB, 1,        // EC is keyboard controller
+               PSTR, 1,        // Persistent storage
+               P80P, 1,        // EC serves I/O Port 80h
+               THRM, 1,        // EC supports thermal management
+               SBKL, 1,        // Screen backlight switch present
+               WIFI, 1,        // WIFI switch present
+               HOST, 1,        // EC monitors host events (eg SCI, SMI)
+               GPIO, 1,        // EC provides GPIO commands
+               I2CB, 1,        // EC provides I2C controller access
+               CHRG, 1,        // EC provides commands for charger control
+               BATT, 1,        // Simply Battery support
+               SBAT, 1,        // Smart Battery support
+               HANG, 1,        // EC can detect host hang
+               PMUI, 1,        // Power Information
+               DSEC, 1,        // another EC exists downstream
+               UPDC, 1,        // supports USB Power Delivery
+               UMUX, 1,        // supports USB Mux
+               MSFF, 1,        // Motion Sense has FIFO
+               TVST, 1,        // supports temporary secure vstore
+               TCMV, 1,        // USB Type C Muxing is virtual (host assisted)
+               RTCD, 1,        // EC provides an RTC device
+               FPRD, 1,        // EC provides a fingerprint reader device
+               TPAD, 1,        // EC provides a touchpad device
+               RWSG, 1,        // EC has RWSIG task enabled
+               DEVE, 1,        // EC supports device events
+               // make sure we're within our space envelope
+               Offset (0x0e),
+               Offset (0x12),
+               BTID, 8,        // Battery index that host wants to read
+               USPP, 8,        // USB Port Power
+       OperationRegion (EMEM, EmbeddedControl,
+       Field (EMEM, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve)
+       OperationRegion (EMEM, SystemIO, EC_LPC_ADDR_MEMMAP, EC_MEMMAP_SIZE)
+       Field (EMEM, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+       {
+               #include "emem.asl"
+       }
+       /* LID Switch */
+       Device (LID0)
+       {
+               Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0D"))
+               Method (_LID, 0)
+               {
+                       Return (^^LIDS)
+               }
+               Name (_PRW, Package () { EC_ENABLE_WAKE_PIN, 0x5 })
+       }
+       Method (TINS, 1, Serialized)
+       {
+               Switch (ToInteger (Arg0))
+               {
+                       Case (0) { Return (TIN0) }
+                       Case (1) { Return (TIN1) }
+                       Case (2) { Return (TIN2) }
+                       Case (3) { Return (TIN3) }
+                       Case (4) { Return (TIN4) }
+                       Case (5) { Return (TIN5) }
+                       Case (6) { Return (TIN6) }
+                       Case (7) { Return (TIN7) }
+                       Case (8) { Return (TIN8) }
+                       Case (9) { Return (TIN9) }
+                       Default  { Return (TIN0) }
+               }
+       }
+       Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Name (ECMD, ResourceTemplate()
+               {
+                       IO (Decode16,
+                           EC_LPC_ADDR_ACPI_DATA,
+                           EC_LPC_ADDR_ACPI_DATA,
+                           0, 1)
+                       IO (Decode16,
+                           EC_LPC_ADDR_ACPI_CMD,
+                           EC_LPC_ADDR_ACPI_CMD,
+                           0, 1)
+               })
+               Return (ECMD)
+       }
+       Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               // Initialize AC power state
+               Store (ACEX, \PWRS)
+               // Initialize LID switch state
+               Store (LIDS, \LIDS)
+       }
+       /* Read requested temperature and check against EC error values */
+       Method (TSRD, 1, Serialized)
+       {
+               Store (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TINS (Arg0), Local0)
+               /* Check for sensor not calibrated */
+               If (LEqual (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TNCA)) {
+                       Return (Zero)
+               }
+               /* Check for sensor not present */
+               If (LEqual (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TNPR)) {
+                       Return (Zero)
+               }
+               /* Check for sensor not powered */
+               If (LEqual (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TNOP)) {
+                       Return (Zero)
+               }
+               /* Check for sensor bad reading */
+               If (LEqual (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TBAD)) {
+                       Return (Zero)
+               }
+               /* Adjust by offset to get Kelvin */
+               Add (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TOFS, Local0, Local0)
+               /* Convert to 1/10 Kelvin */
+               Multiply (Local0, 10, Local0)
+               Return (Local0)
+       }
+       // Lid Closed Event
+       Method (_Q01, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: LID CLOSE", Debug)
+               Store (LIDS, \LIDS)
+               Notify (LID0, 0x80)
+       }
+       // Lid Open Event
+       Method (_Q02, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: LID OPEN", Debug)
+               Store (LIDS, \LIDS)
+               Notify (CREC, 0x2)
+               Notify (LID0, 0x80)
+       }
+       // Power Button
+       Method (_Q03, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: POWER BUTTON", Debug)
+       }
+       // AC Connected
+       Method (_Q04, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: AC CONNECTED", Debug)
+               Store (ACEX, \PWRS)
+               Notify (AC, 0x80)
+               If (CondRefOf (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG)) {
+                       Notify (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG, 0x80)
+               }
+               \PNOT ()
+       }
+       // AC Disconnected
+       Method (_Q05, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: AC DISCONNECTED", Debug)
+               Store (ACEX, \PWRS)
+               Notify (AC, 0x80)
+               If (CondRefOf (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG)) {
+                       Notify (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG, 0x80)
+               }
+               \PNOT ()
+       }
+       // Battery Low Event
+       Method (_Q06, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: BATTERY LOW", Debug)
+               Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+       }
+       // Battery Critical Event
+       Method (_Q07, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: BATTERY CRITICAL", Debug)
+               Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+       }
+       // Battery Info Event
+       Method (_Q08, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: BATTERY INFO", Debug)
+               Notify (BAT0, 0x81)
+               If (CondRefOf (BAT1)) {
+                       Notify (BAT1, 0x81)
+               }
+       }
+       // Thermal Overload Event
+       Method (_Q0A, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: THERMAL OVERLOAD", Debug)
+               Notify (\_TZ, 0x80)
+       }
+       // Thermal Event
+       Method (_Q0B, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: THERMAL", Debug)
+               Notify (\_TZ, 0x80)
+       }
+       // USB Charger
+       Method (_Q0C, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: USB CHARGER", Debug)
+       }
+       // Key Pressed
+       Method (_Q0D, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: KEY PRESSED", Debug)
+               Notify (CREC, 0x2)
+       }
+       // Thermal Shutdown Imminent
+       Method (_Q10, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: THERMAL SHUTDOWN", Debug)
+               Notify (\_TZ, 0x80)
+       }
+       // Battery Shutdown Imminent
+       Method (_Q11, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: BATTERY SHUTDOWN", Debug)
+               Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+       }
+       // Throttle Start
+       Method (_Q12, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: THROTTLE START", Debug)
+               \_TZ.THRT (1)
+       }
+       // Throttle Stop
+       Method (_Q13, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: THROTTLE STOP", Debug)
+               \_TZ.THRT (0)
+       }
+       // PD event
+       Method (_Q16, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: GOT PD EVENT", Debug)
+               Notify (ECPD, 0x80)
+       }
+       // Battery Status
+       Method (_Q17, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: BATTERY STATUS", Debug)
+               Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+               If (CondRefOf (BAT1)) {
+                       Notify (BAT1, 0x80)
+               }
+       }
+       // MKBP interrupt.
+       Method (_Q1B, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: MKBP", Debug)
+               Notify (CREC, 0x80)
+       }
+       // TABLET mode switch Event
+       Method (_Q1D, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Store ("EC: TABLET mode switch Event", Debug)
+               Notify (CREC, 0x2)
+               \_SB.DPTF.TPET()
+               Notify (TBMC, 0x80)
+       }
+       /*
+        * Dynamic Platform Thermal Framework support
+        */
+       /* Mutex for EC PAT interface */
+       Mutex (PATM, 1)
+       /*
+        * Set Aux Trip Point 0
+        *   Arg0 = Temp Sensor ID
+        *   Arg1 = Value to set
+        */
+       Method (PAT0, 2, Serialized)
+       {
+               If (Acquire (^PATM, 1000)) {
+                       Return (0)
+               }
+               /* Set sensor ID */
+               Store (ToInteger (Arg0), ^PATI)
+               /* Temperature is passed in 1/10 Kelvin */
+               Divide (ToInteger (Arg1), 10, , Local1)
+               /* Adjust by EC temperature offset */
+               Subtract (Local1, ^TOFS, ^PATT)
+               /* Set commit value with SELECT=0 and ENABLE=1 */
+               Store (0x02, ^PATC)
+               Release (^PATM)
+               Return (1)
+       }
+       /*
+        * Set Aux Trip Point 1
+        *   Arg0 = Temp Sensor ID
+        *   Arg1 = Value to set
+        */
+       Method (PAT1, 2, Serialized)
+       {
+               If (Acquire (^PATM, 1000)) {
+                       Return (0)
+               }
+               /* Set sensor ID */
+               Store (ToInteger (Arg0), ^PATI)
+               /* Temperature is passed in 1/10 Kelvin */
+               Divide (ToInteger (Arg1), 10, , Local1)
+               /* Adjust by EC temperature offset */
+               Subtract (Local1, ^TOFS, ^PATT)
+               /* Set commit value with SELECT=1 and ENABLE=1 */
+               Store (0x03, ^PATC)
+               Release (^PATM)
+               Return (1)
+       }
+       /* Disable Aux Trip Points
+        *   Arg0 = Temp Sensor ID
+        */
+       Method (PATD, 1, Serialized)
+       {
+               If (Acquire (^PATM, 1000)) {
+                       Return (0)
+               }
+               Store (ToInteger (Arg0), ^PATI)
+               Store (0x00, ^PATT)
+               /* Disable PAT0 */
+               Store (0x00, ^PATC)
+               /* Disable PAT1 */
+               Store (0x01, ^PATC)
+               Release (^PATM)
+               Return (1)
+       }
+       /*
+        * Thermal Threshold Event
+        */
+       Method (_Q09, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               If (LNot(Acquire (^PATM, 1000))) {
+                       /* Read sensor ID for event */
+                       Store (^PATI, Local0)
+                       /* When sensor ID returns 0xFF then no more events */
+                       While (LNotEqual (Local0, EC_TEMP_SENSOR_NOT_PRESENT))
+                       {
+                               \_SB.DPTF.TEVT (Local0)
+                               /* Keep reaading sensor ID for event */
+                               Store (^PATI, Local0)
+                       }
+                       Release (^PATM)
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+        * Set Charger Current Limit
+        *   Arg0 = Current Limit in 64mA steps
+        */
+       Method (CHGS, 1, Serialized)
+       {
+               Store (ToInteger (Arg0), ^CHGL)
+       }
+       /*
+        * Disable Charger Current Limit
+        */
+       Method (CHGD, 0, Serialized)
+       {
+               Store (0xFF, ^CHGL)
+       }
+       /* Read current Tablet mode */
+       Method (RCTM, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               Return (^TBMD)
+       }
+       /* Read current Device DPTF Profile Number */
+       Method (RCDP, 0, NotSerialized)
+       {
+               /*
+                * DDPN = 0 is reserved for backwards compatibility.
+                * If DDPN == 0 use TBMD to load appropriate DPTF table.
+                */
+               If (LEqual (^DDPN, 0)) {
+                       Return (^TBMD)
+               } Else {
+                       Subtract (^DDPN, 1, Local0)
+                       Return (Local0)
+               }
+       }
+       /*
+        * Enable USB Port Power
+        *   Arg0 = USB port ID
+        */
+       Method (UPPS, 1, Serialized)
+       {
+               Or (USPP, ShiftLeft (1, Arg0), USPP)
+       }
+       /*
+        * Disable USB Port Power
+        *   Arg0 = USB port ID
+        */
+       Method (UPPC, 1, Serialized)
+       {
+               And (USPP, Not (ShiftLeft (1, Arg0)), USPP)
+       }
+       #include "ac.asl"
+       #include "battery.asl"
+       #include "cros_ec.asl"
+       #include "als.asl"
+       #include "keyboard_backlight.asl"
+       #include "pd.asl"
+       #include "tbmc.asl"
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/emem.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..681ca1c9ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/emem.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * EMEM data may be accessed through port 62/66 or through LPC at 900h.
+ */
+Offset (0x00),
+TIN0, 8,       // Temperature 0
+TIN1, 8,       // Temperature 1
+TIN2, 8,       // Temperature 2
+TIN3, 8,       // Temperature 3
+TIN4, 8,       // Temperature 4
+TIN5, 8,       // Temperature 5
+TIN6, 8,       // Temperature 6
+TIN7, 8,       // Temperature 7
+TIN8, 8,       // Temperature 8
+TIN9, 8,       // Temperature 9
+Offset (0x10),
+FAN0, 16,      // Fan Speed 0
+Offset (0x24),
+BTVR, 8,       // Battery structure version
+Offset (0x30),
+LIDS, 1,       // Lid Switch State
+PBTN, 1,       // Power Button Pressed
+WPDI, 1,       // Write Protect Disabled
+RECK, 1,       // Keyboard Initiated Recovery
+RECD, 1,       // Dedicated Recovery Mode
+Offset (0x40),
+BTVO, 32,      // Battery Present Voltage
+BTPR, 32,      // Battery Present Rate
+BTRA, 32,      // Battery Remaining Capacity
+ACEX, 1,       // AC Present
+BTEX, 1,       // Battery Present
+BFDC, 1,       // Battery Discharging
+BFCG, 1,       // Battery Charging
+BFCR, 1,       // Battery Level Critical
+Offset (0x4d),
+BTCN, 8,       // Battery Count
+BTIX, 8,       // Battery index
+Offset (0x50),
+BTDA, 32,      // Battery Design Capacity
+BTDV, 32,      // Battery Design Voltage
+BTDF, 32,      // Battery Last Full Charge Capacity
+BTCC, 32,      // Battery Cycle Count
+BMFG, 64,      // Battery Manufacturer String
+BMOD, 64,      // Battery Model String
+BSER, 64,      // Battery Serial String
+BTYP, 64,      // Battery Type String
+Offset (0x80),
+ALS0, 16,      // ALS reading 0 in lux
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/keyboard_backlight.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e6edd9680c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/keyboard_backlight.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
+ */
+Scope (\_SB)
+       /*
+        * Chrome EC Keyboard Backlight interface
+        */
+       Device (KBLT)
+       {
+               Name (_HID, "GOOG0002")
+               Name (_UID, 1)
+               /* Ask EC if we even have a backlight
+                * Return 0xf (present, enabled, show in UI, functioning) or 0
+                *
+                * With older EC codebases that don't support the Device
+                * Features bitfield, this reports the keyboard backlight as
+                * enabled since reads to undefined addresses in EC address
+                * space return 0xff and so KBLE will be 1.
+                */
+               Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+               {
+                       /* If query is unsupported, but this code is compiled
+                        * in, assume the backlight exists physically.
+                        */
+                       If (LEqual (1, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.DFUD)) {
+                               Return (0xf)
+                       }
+                       /* If EC reports that backlight exists, trust it */
+                       If (LEqual (1, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.KBLE)) {
+                               Return (0xf)
+                       }
+                       /* Otherwise: no device -> disable */
+                       Return (0)
+               }
+               /* Read current backlight value */
+               Method (KBQC, 0, NotSerialized)
+               {
+                       Return (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.KBLV)
+               }
+               /* Write new backlight value */
+               Method (KBCM, 1, NotSerialized)
+               {
+                       Store (Arg0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.KBLV)
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/pd.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e55fde347c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/pd.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ */
+Device (ECPD)
+       Name (_HID, "GOOG0003")
+       Name (_UID, 1)
+       Name (_DDN, "EC PD Device")
+       Method(_STA, 0)
+       {
+               Return (0xB)
+       }
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/superio.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ddab1e3cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/superio.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors.  All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * Chrome OS Embedded Controller interface
+ *
+ * Constants that should be defined:
+ *
+ * SIO_EC_MEMMAP_ENABLE     : Enable EC LPC memory map resources
+ * EC_LPC_ADDR_MEMMAP       : Base address of memory map range
+ * EC_MEMMAP_SIZE           : Size of memory map range
+ *
+ * SIO_EC_HOST_ENABLE       : Enable EC host command interface resources
+ * EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_DATA    : EC host command interface data port
+ * EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_CMD     : EC host command interface command port
+ * EC_HOST_CMD_REGION0      : EC host command buffer
+ * EC_HOST_CMD_REGION1      : EC host command buffer
+ * EC_HOST_CMD_REGION_SIZE  : EC host command buffer size
+ */
+// Scope is \_SB.PCI0.LPCB
+Device (SIO) {
+       Name (_UID, 0)
+       Name (_ADR, 0)
+       Device (ECMM) {
+               Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C02"))
+               Name (_UID, 4)
+               Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) {
+                       Return (0x0F)
+               }
+               Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+               {
+                       IO (Decode16, EC_LPC_ADDR_MEMMAP, EC_LPC_ADDR_MEMMAP,
+                           0x08, EC_MEMMAP_SIZE)
+               })
+               Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+               {
+                       IO (Decode16, EC_LPC_ADDR_MEMMAP, EC_LPC_ADDR_MEMMAP,
+                           0x08, EC_MEMMAP_SIZE)
+               })
+       }
+       Device (ECUI) {
+               Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C02"))
+               Name (_UID, 3)
+               Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) {
+                       Return (0x0F)
+               }
+               Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+               {
+                       IO (Decode16,
+                           EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_DATA, EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_DATA,
+                           0x01, 0x01)
+                       IO (Decode16,
+                           EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_CMD, EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_CMD,
+                           0x01, 0x01)
+                       IO (Decode16,
+                           EC_HOST_CMD_REGION0, EC_HOST_CMD_REGION0, 0x08,
+                           EC_HOST_CMD_REGION_SIZE)
+                       IO (Decode16,
+                           EC_HOST_CMD_REGION1, EC_HOST_CMD_REGION1, 0x08,
+                           EC_HOST_CMD_REGION_SIZE)
+               })
+               Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+               {
+                       StartDependentFn (0, 0) {
+                               IO (Decode16, EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_DATA,
+                                   EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_DATA, 0x01, 0x01)
+                               IO (Decode16, EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_CMD,
+                                   EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_CMD, 0x01, 0x01)
+                               IO (Decode16,
+                                   EC_HOST_CMD_REGION0, EC_HOST_CMD_REGION0,
+                                   0x08, EC_HOST_CMD_REGION_SIZE)
+                               IO (Decode16,
+                                   EC_HOST_CMD_REGION1, EC_HOST_CMD_REGION1,
+                                   0x08, EC_HOST_CMD_REGION_SIZE)
+                       }
+                       EndDependentFn ()
+               })
+       }
+       Device (COM1) {
+               Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0501"))
+               Name (_UID, 1)
+               Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) {
+                       Return (0x0F)
+               }
+               Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+               {
+                       IO (Decode16, 0x03F8, 0x3F8, 0x08, 0x08)
+                       IRQNoFlags () {4}
+               })
+               Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+               {
+                       StartDependentFn (0, 0) {
+                               IO (Decode16, 0x03F8, 0x3F8, 0x08, 0x08)
+                               IRQNoFlags () {4}
+                       }
+                       EndDependentFn ()
+               })
+       }
+Device (PS2K)          // Keyboard
+       Name (_UID, 0)
+       Name (_HID, "GOOG000A")
+       Name (_CID, Package() { EISAID("PNP0303"), EISAID("PNP030B") } )
+       Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) {
+               Return (0x0F)
+       }
+       Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+       {
+               IO (Decode16, 0x60, 0x60, 0x01, 0x01)
+               IO (Decode16, 0x64, 0x64, 0x01, 0x01)
+#ifdef SIO_EC_PS2K_IRQ
+               SIO_EC_PS2K_IRQ
+               IRQ (Edge, ActiveHigh, Exclusive) {1}
+       })
+       Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+       {
+               StartDependentFn (0, 0) {
+                       IO (Decode16, 0x60, 0x60, 0x01, 0x01)
+                       IO (Decode16, 0x64, 0x64, 0x01, 0x01)
+#ifdef SIO_EC_PS2K_IRQ
+                       SIO_EC_PS2K_IRQ
+                       IRQ (Edge, ActiveHigh, Exclusive) {1}
+               }
+               EndDependentFn ()
+       })
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/tbmc.asl 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bfe38d668ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/tbmc.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
+ */
+Device (TBMC)
+       Name (_HID, "GOOG0006")
+       Name (_UID, 1)
+       Name (_DDN, "Tablet Motion Control")
+       Method (TBMC)
+       {
+               If (LEqual (^^RCTM, One)) {
+                       Return (0x1)
+               } Else {
+                       Return (0x0)
+               }
+       }
+       Method(_STA, 0)
+       {
+               Return (0xB)
+       }

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