Hi, we have emmc,SD card and SPI NOR Flash(MX66L51235FZ2i-10g from Macronix) as boot devices on our board based on imx6 (MC imx6D7CVT08AE) processor.
our requirement is to boot SPL + U-boot from the SPI NOR Flash and then load the linux kernel from emmc interface. we are able to boot the board (SPL + U-boot + Linux) through SD-card and emmc interface. we have flashed SPL at offset value of 0x400 in Flash address using following command: dd if=/boot/SPL of=/dev/mtd0 bs=1K seek=1 and flashed U-boot.img at offset value 0f 0x11400 using the following command: dd if=/boot/u-boot.img of=/dev/mtd0 bs=1K seek=69 After configuring the board boot settings to load from the SPI NOR Flash when we Power on the board we are getting following message: U-Boot SPL 2018.01-02296-g457cdd6-dirty (Aug 27 2020 - 10:22:07) >>spl:board_init_r() SPL: Unsupported Boot Device! Trying to boot from USB SDP SDP: initialize... After further debugging found that spl_ll_find_loader() function in file "u-boot\common\spl\spl.c" is unable to find the loader. spl_ll_find_loader() is returning "0" when the board is configured to boot from SPI NOR Flash. Following are the debug trace messages from the board when it is booted through SPI NOR Flash: U-Boot SPL 2018.01-02296-g457cdd6-dirty (Aug 27 2020 - 10:22:07) Entering spl_boot_device() bmode(sbmr2):570425345 Board boot order:8 spl_ll_find_loader() returning NULL boot_from_devices() : loader:0 SPL: Unsupported Boot Device! spl_boot_list[1]:12 inside boot_from_devices() : loader:9528148 Trying to boot from USB SDP spl_load_image():bootdev.boot_device:12 SDP: initialize... 1. please let us know why spl_ll_find_loader() function is returning "0" when board is configured to boot from SPI NOR Flash. (we are able to get the valid loader address when the board is configured to boot from SD-card and eMMC interface.) 2. Any specific configuration is required to get the valid loader address ? we have included following configuration in defconfig. CONFIG_SPL_NOR_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_SPL_SPI_FLASH_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_SPL_SPI_SUPPORT=y CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_MACRONIX=y 3. We are writing SPL at 0x400 offset in the SPI NOR Flash. is this the valid offset when the board is configured to boot from SPI NOR Flash? 4. we are writing u-boot.img at 0x11400 offset in the SPI NOR Flash. is this the valid offset when the board is configured to boot from SPI NOR Flash? Thanks & Regards Murali Krishna -- Sent from: http://u-boot.10912.n7.nabble.com/