xhci versions 1.0 and later report the untransferred data remaining in a
TD a bit differently than older hosts.

We used to have separate functions for these, and needed to check host
version before calling the right function.

Now Mediatek host has an additional quirk on how it uses the TD Size
field for remaining data. To prevent yet another function for calculating
remainder we instead want to make one quirk friendly unified function.

Porting from the Linux:
c840d6ce772d("xhci: create one unified function to calculate TRB TD remainder.")
124c39371114("xhci: use boolean to indicate last trb in td remainder 

Signed-off-by: Chunfeng Yun <chunfeng....@mediatek.com>
v2: no changes
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c | 105 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 include/usb/xhci.h           |   2 +
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c b/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c
index 79bfc34..0f86b01 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c
@@ -298,55 +298,52 @@ void xhci_queue_command(struct xhci_ctrl *ctrl, u8 *ptr, 
u32 slot_id,
        xhci_writel(&ctrl->dba->doorbell[0], DB_VALUE_HOST);
- * The TD size is the number of bytes remaining in the TD (including this TRB),
- * right shifted by 10.
- * It must fit in bits 21:17, so it can't be bigger than 31.
+ * For xHCI 1.0 host controllers, TD size is the number of max packet sized
+ * packets remaining in the TD (*not* including this TRB).
- * @param remainder    remaining packets to be sent
- * @return remainder if remainder is less than max else max
- */
-static u32 xhci_td_remainder(unsigned int remainder)
-       u32 max = (1 << (21 - 17 + 1)) - 1;
-       if ((remainder >> 10) >= max)
-               return max << 17;
-       else
-               return (remainder >> 10) << 17;
- * Finds out the remanining packets to be sent
+ * Total TD packet count = total_packet_count =
+ *     DIV_ROUND_UP(TD size in bytes / wMaxPacketSize)
+ *
+ * Packets transferred up to and including this TRB = packets_transferred =
+ *     rounddown(total bytes transferred including this TRB / wMaxPacketSize)
+ *
+ * TD size = total_packet_count - packets_transferred
- * @param running_total        total size sent so far
+ * For xHCI 0.96 and older, TD size field should be the remaining bytes
+ * including this TRB, right shifted by 10
+ *
+ * For all hosts it must fit in bits 21:17, so it can't be bigger than 31.
+ * This is taken care of in the TRB_TD_SIZE() macro
+ *
+ * The last TRB in a TD must have the TD size set to zero.
+ *
+ * @param ctrl host controller data structure
+ * @param transferred  total size sent so far
  * @param trb_buff_len length of the TRB Buffer
- * @param total_packet_count   total packet count
- * @param maxpacketsize                max packet size of current pipe
- * @param num_trbs_left                number of TRBs left to be processed
- * @return 0 if running_total or trb_buff_len is 0, else remainder
+ * @param td_total_len total packet count
+ * @param maxp max packet size of current pipe
+ * @param more_trbs_coming     indicate last trb in TD
+ * @return remainder
-static u32 xhci_v1_0_td_remainder(int running_total,
-                               int trb_buff_len,
-                               unsigned int total_packet_count,
-                               int maxpacketsize,
-                               unsigned int num_trbs_left)
+static u32 xhci_td_remainder(struct xhci_ctrl *ctrl, int transferred,
+                            int trb_buff_len, unsigned int td_total_len,
+                            int maxp, bool more_trbs_coming)
-       int packets_transferred;
+       u32 total_packet_count;
+       if (ctrl->hci_version < 0x100)
+               return ((td_total_len - transferred) >> 10);
        /* One TRB with a zero-length data packet. */
-       if (num_trbs_left == 0 || (running_total == 0 && trb_buff_len == 0))
+       if (!more_trbs_coming || (transferred == 0 && trb_buff_len == 0) ||
+           trb_buff_len == td_total_len)
                return 0;
-       /*
-        * All the TRB queueing functions don't count the current TRB in
-        * running_total.
-        */
-       packets_transferred = (running_total + trb_buff_len) / maxpacketsize;
+       total_packet_count = DIV_ROUND_UP(td_total_len, maxp);
-       if ((total_packet_count - packets_transferred) > 31)
-               return 31 << 17;
-       return (total_packet_count - packets_transferred) << 17;
+       /* Queueing functions don't count the current TRB into transferred */
+       return (total_packet_count - ((transferred + trb_buff_len) / maxp));
@@ -572,7 +569,7 @@ int xhci_bulk_tx(struct usb_device *udev, unsigned long 
        union xhci_trb *event;
        int running_total, trb_buff_len;
-       unsigned int total_packet_count;
+       bool more_trbs_coming = true;
        int maxpacketsize;
        u64 addr;
        int ret;
@@ -636,8 +633,6 @@ int xhci_bulk_tx(struct usb_device *udev, unsigned long 
        running_total = 0;
        maxpacketsize = usb_maxpacket(udev, pipe);
-       total_packet_count = DIV_ROUND_UP(length, maxpacketsize);
        /* How much data is in the first TRB? */
         * How much data is (potentially) left before the 64KB boundary?
@@ -672,27 +667,24 @@ int xhci_bulk_tx(struct usb_device *udev, unsigned long 
                 * Chain all the TRBs together; clear the chain bit in the last
                 * TRB to indicate it's the last TRB in the chain.
-               if (num_trbs > 1)
+               if (num_trbs > 1) {
                        field |= TRB_CHAIN;
-               else
+               } else {
                        field |= TRB_IOC;
+                       more_trbs_coming = false;
+               }
                /* Only set interrupt on short packet for IN endpoints */
                if (usb_pipein(pipe))
                        field |= TRB_ISP;
                /* Set the TRB length, TD size, and interrupter fields. */
-               if (ctrl->hci_version < 0x100)
-                       remainder = xhci_td_remainder(length - running_total);
-               else
-                       remainder = xhci_v1_0_td_remainder(running_total,
-                                                          trb_buff_len,
-                                                          total_packet_count,
-                                                          maxpacketsize,
-                                                          num_trbs - 1);
+               remainder = xhci_td_remainder(ctrl, running_total, trb_buff_len,
+                                             length, maxpacketsize,
+                                             more_trbs_coming);
                length_field = ((trb_buff_len & TRB_LEN_MASK) |
-                               remainder |
+                               TRB_TD_SIZE(remainder) |
                                ((0 & TRB_INTR_TARGET_MASK) <<
@@ -764,6 +756,7 @@ int xhci_ctrl_tx(struct usb_device *udev, unsigned long 
        struct xhci_virt_device *virt_dev = ctrl->devs[slot_id];
        struct xhci_ring *ep_ring;
        union xhci_trb *event;
+       u32 remainder;
        debug("req=%u (%#x), type=%u (%#x), value=%u (%#x), index=%u\n",
                req->request, req->request,
@@ -866,12 +859,14 @@ int xhci_ctrl_tx(struct usb_device *udev, unsigned long 
                field = (TRB_DATA << TRB_TYPE_SHIFT);
-       length_field = (length & TRB_LEN_MASK) | xhci_td_remainder(length) |
+       remainder = xhci_td_remainder(ctrl, 0, length, length,
+                                     usb_maxpacket(udev, pipe), 1);
+       length_field = (length & TRB_LEN_MASK) | TRB_TD_SIZE(remainder) |
                        ((0 & TRB_INTR_TARGET_MASK) << TRB_INTR_TARGET_SHIFT);
        debug("length_field = %d, length = %d,"
                "xhci_td_remainder(length) = %d , TRB_INTR_TARGET(0) = %d\n",
                length_field, (length & TRB_LEN_MASK),
-               xhci_td_remainder(length), 0);
+               TRB_TD_SIZE(remainder), 0);
        if (length > 0) {
                if (req->requesttype & USB_DIR_IN)
diff --git a/include/usb/xhci.h b/include/usb/xhci.h
index a3e5914..15926eb 100644
--- a/include/usb/xhci.h
+++ b/include/usb/xhci.h
@@ -850,6 +850,8 @@ struct xhci_event_cmd {
 /* transfer_len bitmasks - bits 0:16 */
 #define        TRB_LEN(p)                      ((p) & 0x1ffff)
 #define        TRB_LEN_MASK                    (0x1ffff)
+/* TD Size, packets remaining in this TD, bits 21:17 (5 bits, so max 31) */
+#define TRB_TD_SIZE(p)          (min((p), (u32)31) << 17)
 /* Interrupter Target - which MSI-X vector to target the completion event at */
 #define        TRB_INTR_TARGET_SHIFT           (22)
 #define        TRB_INTR_TARGET_MASK            (0x3ff)

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