On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 09:42:07 +0200
Reda MIMOUNE <reda.mimo...@easii-ic.com> wrote:

> So in my both cases, what you said explains that the case I met. I will put 
> this flag and check if it
> is present in my 1.3.4 version.

My expense request for a time machine was denied, so we can't go back
and put new features in old versions. :-)

Please upgrade, or backport the features yourself.

> >Or you can use the new env.oob feature to dynamically mark a known-good 
> >block as
> >your environment.
> I do not know this feature. To which config flag does it relate ?


You'll need top-of-tree U-Boot for this.

> >Please be careful with that.  Unless you have reason to believe that
> >the block was accidentally marked bad by something software did, you
> >ought to leave bad block markers in place. 
> That's what I believed since they became bad only after uboot wrote to them...

Perhaps something is wrong with your NAND driver, then.

Are you sure it wasn't marked bad before?

> Another question or confirmation: when using environment in NAND, must the 
> environment size be the same than the
> NAND block size, i.e 128KB in my case (which i think is too huge) ?

The environment data itself, probably not.  But it must take up a
multiple of the block size in NAND, because you don't want to erase
other things when updating the environment.


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