On Friday, September 10, 2010 13:54:40 Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Please help testing, and check if all your relevant patches have been
> included.

not sure if you wanted to include these for 2010.09, or wait until after:
11.08.2010 [PATCH] Makefile: restore support for board shortcut targets
19.08.2010 [PATCH v2] MAKEALL: cut down on duplication of targets
15.08.2010 [PATCH 1/4] tools: enable img2srec for "all" target
15.08.2010 [PATCH 2/4] tools: update .gitignore
15.08.2010 [PATCH 3/4] unify toplevel tools targets
15.08.2010 [PATCH 4/4] tools/env: use host build flags

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