Python's autopep8 can automatically correct some of warnings from pylint
and rewrite the code in a pretty print format. So just do it.

Signed-off-by: AKASHI Takahiro <>
Suggested-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <>
 test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/    | 162 ++++++++++--------
 test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/        |  14 +-
 .../py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ |   1 +
 test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ |   1 +
 .../tests/test_efi_secboot/   |  37 ++--
 5 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ 
index 5ac0389064e8..f74b4b109a7b 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ from subprocess import call, check_call, check_output, 
 from defs import *
 # from test/py/
 def tool_is_in_path(tool):
     for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
         fn = os.path.join(path, tool)
@@ -20,13 +22,15 @@ def tool_is_in_path(tool):
 # Fixture for UEFI secure boot test
 def efi_boot_env(request, u_boot_config):
     """Set up a file system to be used in UEFI secure boot test.
         request: Pytest request object.
-       u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
+        u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
         A path to disk image to be used for testing
@@ -48,20 +52,21 @@ def efi_boot_env(request, u_boot_config):
         # create a disk/partition
         check_call('dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1MiB count=%d'
-                            % (image_path, image_size), shell=True)
+                   % (image_path, image_size), shell=True)
         check_call('sgdisk %s -n 1:0:+%dMiB'
-                            % (image_path, part_size), shell=True)
+                   % (image_path, part_size), shell=True)
         # create a file system
         check_call('dd if=/dev/zero of=%s.tmp bs=1MiB count=%d'
-                            % (image_path, part_size), shell=True)
+                   % (image_path, part_size), shell=True)
         check_call('mkfs -t %s %s.tmp' % (fs_type, image_path), shell=True)
         check_call('dd if=%s.tmp of=%s bs=1MiB seek=1 count=%d conv=notrunc'
-                            % (image_path, image_path, 1), shell=True)
+                   % (image_path, image_path, 1), shell=True)
         check_call('rm %s.tmp' % image_path, shell=True)
-        loop_dev = check_output('sudo losetup -o 1MiB --sizelimit %dMiB --show 
-f %s | tr -d "\n"'
-                                % (part_size, image_path), shell=True).decode()
+        loop_dev = check_output(
+            'sudo losetup -o 1MiB --sizelimit %dMiB --show -f %s | tr -d "\n"' 
+            (part_size, image_path), shell=True).decode()
         check_output('sudo mount -t %s -o umask=000 %s %s'
-                                % (fs_type, loop_dev, mnt_point), shell=True)
+                     % (fs_type, loop_dev, mnt_point), shell=True)
         # suffix
         # *.key: RSA private key in PEM
@@ -73,75 +78,88 @@ def efi_boot_env(request, u_boot_config):
         # *.efi.signed: signed UEFI image
         # Create signature database
-        ## PK
-        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_PK/ -keyout PK.key -out PK.crt -nodes -days 365'
-                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
-        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s PK.crt PK.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key PK PK.esl PK.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        ## PK_null for deletion
-        check_call('cd %s; sleep 2; touch PK_null.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c 
PK.crt -k PK.key PK PK_null.esl PK_null.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
-        ## KEK
-        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_KEK/ -keyout KEK.key -out KEK.crt -nodes -days 365'
-                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
-        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s KEK.crt KEK.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key KEK KEK.esl KEK.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        ## db
-        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_db/ -keyout db.key -out db.crt -nodes -days 365'
-                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
-        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s db.crt db.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db.esl db.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        ## db1
-        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_db1/ -keyout db1.key -out db1.crt -nodes -days 365'
-                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
-        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s db1.crt db1.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db1.esl db1.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        ## db1-update
-        check_call('cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -a -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db 
db1.esl db1-update.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
-        ## dbx (TEST_dbx certificate)
-        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_dbx/ -keyout dbx.key -out dbx.crt -nodes -days 365'
-                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
-        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s dbx.crt dbx.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx dbx.esl dbx.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        ## dbx_hash (digest of TEST_db certificate)
-        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-hash-list -g %s -t 0 -s 256 db.crt 
dbx_hash.crl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx dbx_hash.crl 
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        ## dbx_hash1 (digest of TEST_db1 certificate)
-        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-hash-list -g %s -t 0 -s 256 db1.crt 
dbx_hash1.crl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx dbx_hash1.crl 
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        ## dbx_db (with TEST_db certificate)
-        check_call('cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx 
db.esl dbx_db.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
+        # PK
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_PK/ -keyout PK.key -out PK.crt -nodes -days 365' %
+            mnt_point,
+            shell=True)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s PK.crt PK.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key PK PK.esl PK.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # PK_null for deletion
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; sleep 2; touch PK_null.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt 
-k PK.key PK PK_null.esl PK_null.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # KEK
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_KEK/ -keyout KEK.key -out KEK.crt -nodes -days 365' %
+            mnt_point,
+            shell=True)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s KEK.crt KEK.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key KEK KEK.esl KEK.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # db
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_db/ -keyout db.key -out db.crt -nodes -days 365' %
+            mnt_point,
+            shell=True)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s db.crt db.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db.esl db.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # db1
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_db1/ -keyout db1.key -out db1.crt -nodes -days 365' %
+            mnt_point,
+            shell=True)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s db1.crt db1.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db1.esl db1.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # db1-update
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -a -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db1.esl 
db1-update.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # dbx (TEST_dbx certificate)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj 
/CN=TEST_dbx/ -keyout dbx.key -out dbx.crt -nodes -days 365' %
+            mnt_point,
+            shell=True)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s dbx.crt dbx.esl; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx dbx.esl dbx.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # dbx_hash (digest of TEST_db certificate)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %scert-to-efi-hash-list -g %s -t 0 -s 256 db.crt 
dbx_hash.crl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx dbx_hash.crl 
dbx_hash.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # dbx_hash1 (digest of TEST_db1 certificate)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %scert-to-efi-hash-list -g %s -t 0 -s 256 db1.crt 
dbx_hash1.crl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx dbx_hash1.crl 
dbx_hash1.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        # dbx_db (with TEST_db certificate)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx db.esl 
dbx_db.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
         # Copy image
         check_call('cp %s %s' % (HELLO_PATH, mnt_point), shell=True)
-        ## Sign image
+        # Sign image
         check_call('cd %s; sbsign --key db.key --cert db.crt helloworld.efi'
-                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
-        ## Sign already-signed image with another key
-        check_call('cd %s; sbsign --key db1.key --cert db1.crt --output 
helloworld.efi.signed_2sigs helloworld.efi.signed'
-                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
-        ## Digest image
-        check_call('cd %s; %shash-to-efi-sig-list helloworld.efi 
db_hello.hash; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db_hello.hash 
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        check_call('cd %s; %shash-to-efi-sig-list helloworld.efi.signed 
db_hello_signed.hash; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db 
db_hello_signed.hash db_hello_signed.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
-        check_call('cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx 
db_hello_signed.hash dbx_hello_signed.auth'
-                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH),
-                            shell=True)
+                   % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        # Sign already-signed image with another key
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; sbsign --key db1.key --cert db1.crt --output 
helloworld.efi.signed_2sigs helloworld.efi.signed' %
+            mnt_point,
+            shell=True)
+        # Digest image
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %shash-to-efi-sig-list helloworld.efi db_hello.hash; 
%ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db_hello.hash db_hello.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %shash-to-efi-sig-list helloworld.efi.signed 
db_hello_signed.hash; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db 
db_hello_signed.hash db_hello_signed.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        check_call(
+            'cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx 
db_hello_signed.hash dbx_hello_signed.auth' %
+            (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
         check_call('sudo umount %s' % loop_dev, shell=True)
         check_call('sudo losetup -d %s' % loop_dev, shell=True)
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ 
index d6222809c547..099f453979ff 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+
 # Disk image name
+EFI_SECBOOT_IMAGE_NAME = 'test_efi_secboot.img'
 # Size in MiB
 # Partition file system type
 # Owner guid
+GUID = '11111111-2222-3333-4444-123456789abc'
 # v1.5.1 or earlier of efitools has a bug in sha256 calculation, and
 # you need build a newer version on your own.
 # Hello World application for sandbox
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ 
index 148aa3123e4f..359adba4b4b7 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ This test verifies variable authentication
 import pytest
 from defs import *
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ 
index 441f4906c865..c100832a2375 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ This test verifies image authentication for signed images.
 import pytest
 from defs import *
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ 
index c42c5ddc4774..3748b51ee7e9 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ This test verifies image authentication for unsigned images.
 import pytest
 from defs import *
@@ -28,10 +29,10 @@ class TestEfiUnsignedImage(object):
             # Test Case 1
             output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
                 'host bind 0 %s' % disk_img,
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 KEK.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize KEK',
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 PK.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize PK'])
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 KEK.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize KEK',
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 PK.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize PK'])
             assert(not 'Failed to set EFI variable' in ''.join(output))
             output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
@@ -55,12 +56,12 @@ class TestEfiUnsignedImage(object):
             # Test Case 2
             output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
                 'host bind 0 %s' % disk_img,
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 db_hello.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize db',
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 KEK.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize KEK',
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 PK.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize PK'])
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 db_hello.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize db',
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 KEK.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize KEK',
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 PK.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize PK'])
             assert(not 'Failed to set EFI variable' in ''.join(output))
             output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
@@ -79,12 +80,12 @@ class TestEfiUnsignedImage(object):
             # Test Case 3a, rejected by dbx
             output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
                 'host bind 0 %s' % disk_img,
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 db_hello.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize dbx',
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 KEK.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize KEK',
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 PK.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize PK'])
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 db_hello.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize dbx',
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 KEK.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize KEK',
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 PK.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize PK'])
             assert(not 'Failed to set EFI variable' in ''.join(output))
             output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
@@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ class TestEfiUnsignedImage(object):
         with u_boot_console.log.section('Test Case 3b'):
             # Test Case 3b, rejected by dbx even if db allows
             output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
-               'fatload host 0:1 4000000 db_hello.auth',
-               'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize db'])
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 db_hello.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize db'])
             assert(not 'Failed to set EFI variable' in ''.join(output))
             output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([

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