On 8/31/2010 10:36 AM, Shinya Kuribayashi wrote:
>> As said in the previous mail the patch is tentative and won't
>> work with ELDK, and as fas as I could see nothing has been
>> changed since my version.
> So I'm overlooking something, will have to think about it.

Oh, I remember now.  The aim of the patch is to make it possible to
generate elf images in both Big- and Little-endian, using only either
mips_4KC- or mips_4KCle- toolchain:

#   CROSS_COMPILE   Target              Expected endianness
1   mips_4KC-       dbau1550_config     Big-Endian
2   mips_4KCle-     dbau1550_config     Big-Endian
3   mips_4KC-       dbau1550_el_config  Little-Endian
4   mips_4KCle-     dbau1550_el_config  Little-Endian

And option 2) and 3) may not work when using ELDK.
Shinya Kuribayashi
Renesas Electronics
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