Signature database (db or dbx) may have not only certificates that contain
a public key for RSA decryption, but also digests of signed images.

In this test case, if database has an image's digest (EFI_CERT_SHA256_GUID)
and if the value matches to a hash value calculated from image's binary,
authentication should pass in case of db, and fail in case of dbx.

Signed-off-by: AKASHI Takahiro <>
 test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/    | 11 +++++
 test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ | 49 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ 
index 8d656d5cafba..d28f903c6897 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@ def efi_boot_env(request, u_boot_config):
         check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-hash-list -g %s -t 0 -s 256 db.crt 
dbx_hash.crl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx dbx_hash.crl 
                             % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+        ## dbx_db (with TEST_db certificate)
+        check_call('cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx 
db.esl dbx_db.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
         # Copy image
         check_call('cp %s %s' % (HELLO_PATH, mnt_point), shell=True)
@@ -127,6 +131,13 @@ def efi_boot_env(request, u_boot_config):
         check_call('cd %s; %shash-to-efi-sig-list helloworld.efi 
db_hello.hash; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db_hello.hash 
                             % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+        check_call('cd %s; %shash-to-efi-sig-list helloworld.efi.signed 
db_hello_signed.hash; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db 
db_hello_signed.hash db_hello_signed.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx 
db_hello_signed.hash dbx_hello_signed.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
         check_call('sudo umount %s' % loop_dev, shell=True)
         check_call('sudo losetup -d %s' % loop_dev, shell=True)
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/ 
index 2ef95c6e1a14..5cae1e3f5eef 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/
@@ -198,3 +198,52 @@ class TestEfiSignedImage(object):
                 'efidebug test bootmgr'])
             assert('\'HELLO\' failed' in ''.join(output))
             assert('efi_start_image() returned: 26' in ''.join(output))
+    def test_efi_signed_image_auth6(self, u_boot_console, efi_boot_env):
+        """
+        Test Case 6 - using digest of signed image in database
+        """
+        u_boot_console.restart_uboot()
+        disk_img = efi_boot_env
+        with u_boot_console.log.section('Test Case 6a'):
+            # Test Case 6a, verified by image's digest in db
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
+                'host bind 0 %s' % disk_img,
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 db_hello_signed.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize db',
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 KEK.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize KEK',
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 PK.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize PK'])
+            assert(not 'Failed to set EFI variable' in ''.join(output))
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
+                'efidebug boot add 1 HELLO host 0:1 /helloworld.efi.signed ""',
+                'efidebug boot next 1',
+                'bootefi bootmgr'])
+            assert('Hello, world!' in ''.join(output))
+        with u_boot_console.log.section('Test Case 6b'):
+            # Test Case 6b, rejected by TEST_db certificate in dbx
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 dbx_db.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize dbx'])
+            assert(not 'Failed to set EFI variable' in ''.join(output))
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
+                'efidebug boot next 1',
+                'efidebug test bootmgr'])
+            assert('\'HELLO\' failed' in ''.join(output))
+            assert('efi_start_image() returned: 26' in ''.join(output))
+        with u_boot_console.log.section('Test Case 6c'):
+            # Test Case 6c, rejected by image's digest in dbx
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 db.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize db',
+                'fatload host 0:1 4000000 dbx_hello_signed.auth',
+                'setenv -e -nv -bs -rt -at -i 4000000,$filesize dbx'])
+            assert(not 'Failed to set EFI variable' in ''.join(output))
+            output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([
+                'efidebug boot next 1',
+                'efidebug test bootmgr'])
+            assert('\'HELLO\' failed' in ''.join(output))
+            assert('efi_start_image() returned: 26' in ''.join(output))

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