On 2/28/20 1:06 AM, AKASHI Takahiro wrote:
> Logically, the current update_tftp() should and does compile and work
> correctly even without satisfying the following condition:
>> #if defined(CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP) && !defined(CONFIG_MTD_NOR_FLASH)
>> #error "CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP and !CONFIG_MTD_NOR_FLASH needed for
>>  legacy behaviour"
>> #endif
> It would be better to just drop it so that this function will be
> used on wider range of platforms.
> Signed-off-by: AKASHI Takahiro <takahiro.aka...@linaro.org>

In common/main.c:37:void main_loop(void) we have a call:

                update_tftp(0UL, NULL, NULL);

When you implement UEFI capsule updates you probably are not interested
in this call.

So I would suggest that you take the code after the label
got_update_file and put it into a new function in a new file
drivers/dfu/dfu_fit.c which is only compiled if both CONFIG_DFU and
CONFIG_FIT are specified.

This way we get a clean separation between tFTP updates and capsule updates.


We should get rid of any config checks in code. Those checks should be
in Kconfig. This should also cover the CONFIG_FIT && CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT test.

Why do you want to allow CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP=y and
CONFIG_MTD_NOR_FLASH=y? In your capsule update series you use DFU.
DFU_MTD depends on DFU and DM_MTD. So the flash driver called from DFU
is not in common/flash.c but somewhere in drivers/mtd.

Best regards


> ---
>  common/update.c | 7 ++-----
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/common/update.c b/common/update.c
> index c8dd346a0956..ade029851dbd 100644
> --- a/common/update.c
> +++ b/common/update.c
> @@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
>  #error "CONFIG_FIT and CONFIG_OF_LIBFDT are required for auto-update feature"
>  #endif
> -#if defined(CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP) && !defined(CONFIG_MTD_NOR_FLASH)
> -#error "CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP and !CONFIG_MTD_NOR_FLASH needed for legacy 
> behaviour"
> -#endif
> -
>  #include <command.h>
>  #include <env.h>
>  #include <flash.h>
> @@ -210,8 +206,9 @@ static int update_flash(ulong addr_source, ulong 
> addr_first, ulong size)
>               printf("Error: could not protect flash sectors\n");
>               return 1;
>       }
> +#else
> +     return -1;
>  #endif
> -     return 0;
>  }
>  static int update_fit_getparams(const void *fit, int noffset, ulong *addr,

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