In regmap_raw_{read,write}_range(), offsets are checked to make sure
they aren't out of range. But this check happens _after_ the address is
mapped from physical memory. Input should be sanity-checked before using
it. Mapping the address before validating it leaves the door open to
passing an invalid address to map_physmem(). So check for out of range
offsets _before_ mapping them.

This fixes a segmentation fault in sandbox when -1 is used as an offset
to regmap_{read,write}().

Signed-off-by: Pratyush Yadav <>
 drivers/core/regmap.c | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/core/regmap.c b/drivers/core/regmap.c
index 4a214eff7c..a67a237b88 100644
--- a/drivers/core/regmap.c
+++ b/drivers/core/regmap.c
@@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ int regmap_raw_read_range(struct regmap *map, uint 
range_num, uint offset,
        range = &map->ranges[range_num];
-       ptr = map_physmem(range->start + offset, val_len, MAP_NOCACHE);
        if (offset + val_len > range->size) {
                debug("%s: offset/size combination invalid\n", __func__);
                return -ERANGE;
+       ptr = map_physmem(range->start + offset, val_len, MAP_NOCACHE);
        switch (val_len) {
        case REGMAP_SIZE_8:
                *((u8 *)valp) = __read_8(ptr, map->endianness);
@@ -419,13 +419,13 @@ int regmap_raw_write_range(struct regmap *map, uint 
range_num, uint offset,
        range = &map->ranges[range_num];
-       ptr = map_physmem(range->start + offset, val_len, MAP_NOCACHE);
        if (offset + val_len > range->size) {
                debug("%s: offset/size combination invalid\n", __func__);
                return -ERANGE;
+       ptr = map_physmem(range->start + offset, val_len, MAP_NOCACHE);
        switch (val_len) {
        case REGMAP_SIZE_8:
                __write_8(ptr, val, map->endianness);

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