ACPI supports storing integers in various ways. Add a function to handle

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

Changes in v2: None
Changes in v1: None

 include/acpi/acpigen.h | 17 ++++++++++++++
 lib/acpi/acpigen.c     | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/dm/acpigen.c      | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 114 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/acpi/acpigen.h b/include/acpi/acpigen.h
index 52e0b75128..a4edcb097b 100644
--- a/include/acpi/acpigen.h
+++ b/include/acpi/acpigen.h
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ struct acpi_ctx;
 /* ACPI Op/Prefix codes */
 enum {
+       ZERO_OP                 = 0x00,
+       ONE_OP                  = 0x01,
+       BYTE_PREFIX             = 0x0a,
+       WORD_PREFIX             = 0x0b,
+       DWORD_PREFIX            = 0x0c,
+       QWORD_PREFIX            = 0x0e,
        PACKAGE_OP              = 0x12,
@@ -130,4 +136,15 @@ void acpigen_pop_len(struct acpi_ctx *ctx);
 char *acpigen_write_package(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, int nr_el);
+ * acpigen_write_integer() - Write an integer
+ *
+ * This writes an operation (BYTE_OP, WORD_OP, DWORD_OP, QWORD_OP depending on
+ * the integer size) and an integer value. Note that WORD means 16 bits in 
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @data: Integer to write
+ */
+void acpigen_write_integer(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, u64 data);
diff --git a/lib/acpi/acpigen.c b/lib/acpi/acpigen.c
index e1fd1f6b6a..ece0111320 100644
--- a/lib/acpi/acpigen.c
+++ b/lib/acpi/acpigen.c
@@ -82,6 +82,57 @@ char *acpigen_write_package(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, int nr_el)
        return p;
+void acpigen_write_byte(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, unsigned int data)
+       acpigen_emit_byte(ctx, BYTE_PREFIX);
+       acpigen_emit_byte(ctx, data & 0xff);
+void acpigen_write_word(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, unsigned int data)
+       acpigen_emit_byte(ctx, WORD_PREFIX);
+       acpigen_emit_word(ctx, data);
+void acpigen_write_dword(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, unsigned int data)
+       acpigen_emit_byte(ctx, DWORD_PREFIX);
+       acpigen_emit_dword(ctx, data);
+void acpigen_write_qword(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, u64 data)
+       acpigen_emit_byte(ctx, QWORD_PREFIX);
+       acpigen_emit_dword(ctx, data & 0xffffffff);
+       acpigen_emit_dword(ctx, (data >> 32) & 0xffffffff);
+void acpigen_write_zero(struct acpi_ctx *ctx)
+       acpigen_emit_byte(ctx, ZERO_OP);
+void acpigen_write_one(struct acpi_ctx *ctx)
+       acpigen_emit_byte(ctx, ONE_OP);
+void acpigen_write_integer(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, u64 data)
+       if (data == 0)
+               acpigen_write_zero(ctx);
+       else if (data == 1)
+               acpigen_write_one(ctx);
+       else if (data <= 0xff)
+               acpigen_write_byte(ctx, (unsigned char)data);
+       else if (data <= 0xffff)
+               acpigen_write_word(ctx, (unsigned int)data);
+       else if (data <= 0xffffffff)
+               acpigen_write_dword(ctx, (unsigned int)data);
+       else
+               acpigen_write_qword(ctx, data);
 void acpigen_emit_stream(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, const char *data, int size)
        int i;
diff --git a/test/dm/acpigen.c b/test/dm/acpigen.c
index be81068759..9350943a12 100644
--- a/test/dm/acpigen.c
+++ b/test/dm/acpigen.c
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
 #define TEST_STRING    "frogmore"
 #define TEST_STREAM2   "\xfa\xde"
+#define TEST_INT8      0x7d
+#define TEST_INT16     0x2345
+#define TEST_INT32     0x12345678
+#define TEST_INT64     0x4567890123456
 static int alloc_context_size(struct acpi_ctx **ctxp, int size)
        struct acpi_ctx *ctx;
@@ -421,3 +426,44 @@ static int dm_test_acpi_package(struct unit_test_state 
        return 0;
 DM_TEST(dm_test_acpi_package, 0);
+/* Test emitting an integer */
+static int dm_test_acpi_integer(struct unit_test_state *uts)
+       struct acpi_ctx *ctx;
+       u8 *ptr;
+       ut_assertok(alloc_context(&ctx));
+       ptr = acpigen_get_current(ctx);
+       acpigen_write_integer(ctx, 0);
+       acpigen_write_integer(ctx, 1);
+       acpigen_write_integer(ctx, TEST_INT8);
+       acpigen_write_integer(ctx, TEST_INT16);
+       acpigen_write_integer(ctx, TEST_INT32);
+       acpigen_write_integer(ctx, TEST_INT64);
+       ut_asserteq(6 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8, acpigen_get_current(ctx) - ptr);
+       ut_asserteq(ZERO_OP, ptr[0]);
+       ut_asserteq(ONE_OP, ptr[1]);
+       ut_asserteq(BYTE_PREFIX, ptr[2]);
+       ut_asserteq(TEST_INT8, ptr[3]);
+       ut_asserteq(WORD_PREFIX, ptr[4]);
+       ut_asserteq(TEST_INT16, get_unaligned((u16 *)(ptr + 5)));
+       ut_asserteq(DWORD_PREFIX, ptr[7]);
+       ut_asserteq(TEST_INT32, get_unaligned((u32 *)(ptr + 8)));
+       ut_asserteq(QWORD_PREFIX, ptr[12]);
+       ut_asserteq_64(TEST_INT64, get_unaligned((u64 *)(ptr + 13)));
+       free_context(&ctx);
+       return 0;
+DM_TEST(dm_test_acpi_integer, 0);

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