On Thu, May 07, 2020 at 02:53:49PM +0200, Heiko Schocher wrote:
> Hello Fabio,
> Am 07.05.2020 um 14:12 schrieb Heiko Schocher:
> > Hello Fabio,
> > 
> > I have my wandboard DL in my automated daily build setup example:
> > 
> > http://xeidos.ddns.net/ubtestresults/
> > 
> > and wondered, why my last result is from may 4th ...
> > 
> > (Ok, there is a bug, that I do not see not booting boards in this page,
> >   but this is just a proof of concept page ...)
> Ok, found this error, now I have one broken build in above webpage.
> Also, the newest commit adds > 300 bytes imge size...
> http://xeidos.ddns.net/ubtestresults/stats/wandboard_defconfig/6

That's not what I see:
$ (export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=`date +%s`; ./tools/buildman/buildman -o 
/tmp/wandboard3 --step 0 -SBC -b 125956..69bf66 -devl wandboard && 
./tools/buildman/buildman -o /tmp/wandboard3 --step 0 -SsB -b 125956..69bf66 
-devl wandboard)
Building 2 commits for 1 boards (1 thread, 16 jobs per thread)
01: scripts/get_default_envs.sh: preserve order of multiple entries for same 
15: Merge branch '2020-05-06-master-imports'
    2    0    0 /2              wandboard
Completed: 2 total built, duration 0:00:23
Summary of 2 commits for 1 boards (1 thread, 16 jobs per thread)
01: scripts/get_default_envs.sh: preserve order of multiple entries for same 
15: Merge branch '2020-05-06-master-imports'
       arm: (for 1/1 boards) bss -16.0 text +16.0
            wandboard      : bss -16 text +16
               u-boot: add: 0/0, grow: 3/0 bytes: 12/0 (12)
                 function                                   old     new   delta
                 menu_create                                 84      88      +4
                 handle_pxe_menu                            284     288      +4
                 do_dcache                                   92      96      +4
(no errors to report)

What details are you recording in your setup?

> Unfortunately I cannot automate git bisect with tbot:
> http://tbot.tools/modules/tc.html#tbot.tc.git.GitRepository.bisect
> as I do not know how to switch for example with an gpio and a relay
> bootmode on wandboard ... do you know, if this is possible?

In general, or on the wandboard?  For the general side, I have a network
controllable relay controller that I can use to toggle a GPIO on
hardware that has a force reset exposed.  I don't have any imx platforms
exposed however as I wasn't able to rig up some way to boot via USB on
the platforms I have here.  That was a while ago tho.


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