
The upcoming Beagle xM, unlike previous Beagles, has no on-board NAND.

I'd like to continue to have a single version of u-boot that works for
all version of Beagles.  Therefore I need to have env_nand fail
gracefully when it runs on the xM.

The patch below does the job, but I am not sure that my method of
checking for the existence of nand (nand_info[0].type = 0 when no nand
detected) is "correct"?  Any opinions or advice?



diff --git a/common/env_nand.c b/common/env_nand.c
index a15a950..325f112 100644
--- a/common/env_nand.c
+++ b/common/env_nand.c
@@ -268,6 +268,10 @@ int readenv (size_t offset, u_char * buf)
        u_char *char_ptr;
+       /* fail if no nand detected */
+       if (nand_info[0].type == 0)
+               return 1;
        blocksize = nand_info[0].erasesize;
        len = min(blocksize, CONFIG_ENV_SIZE);

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