Dear Tom,

Please find my pull-request for u-boot-mpc85xx/master

Fixes DDR initialization failure on PowerPC boards like P3041DS, P4080DS

The following changes since commit 31232de07ef2bd97ff67625976eecd97eeb1bd3d:

  usb: Keep async schedule running only across mass storage xfers (2020-04-09 
15:26:59 -0400)

are available in the Git repository at: HEAD

for you to fetch changes up to 159e7a224dc08557f2c4a3ee493377bec4bd8e86:

  Revert "mpc85xx: ddr: Always start DDR RAM in Self Refresh mode" (2020-04-10 
17:23:41 +0530)

Biwen Li (1):
      Revert "mpc85xx: ddr: Always start DDR RAM in Self Refresh mode"

 drivers/ddr/fsl/mpc85xx_ddr_gen3.c | 13 +++++++------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

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