On 4/2/20 3:43 PM, Pascal PAILLET-LME wrote:


>>>> No details on my side, it was a Pascal Paillet's direct feedback 
>>>> (Maintainer
>> of
>>>> STPMIC1 driver in Linux).
>>> You can enable the active discharge on the STPMIC1's VBUSOTG. But, as
>> soon as a USB host peripheral (such as laptop) will attach and provide VBUS,
>> there will be a ~8mA continuous power consumption on VBUS through this
>> OTG active discharge. There is no functional issue behind this 8mA; but you
>> need to know that 8mA is not compliant with the USB suspend constraint
>> (2.5mA max).
>> So why is it in there ?
> Sorry, I'm not sure to catch your point... The property is available because 
> the stpmic1
> Propose this feature (enable a pull down resistor when VBUS_OTG is disabled). 
> We have
> Found during some test that it is better to not enable active discharge on 
> vbus_otg.
> I hope it answers,
> pascal

Can you go into a bit more detail on what you found during your tests
and why it was a problem ?

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