Hi Nori,

>> > The TI DA850/OMAP-L138/AM18x EVM can be populated with devices
>> > of different speed grades.
>> >
>> > The maximum speed the chip can support can only be determined from
>> > the label on the package (not software readable).
>> >
>> > Introduce a method to pass the speed grade information to kernel
>> > using ATAG_REVISION. The kernel uses this information to determine
>> > the maximum speed reachable using cpufreq.
>> Do I understand you correctly that you _misuses_ an atag defined to
>> carry the revision of a CPU to carry the maximum allowed clock
>> frequency?
> The EVM can be populated with devices of different speed grades and this
> patch treats those as different revisions of the EVM. Why would this be
> treated as a misuse of ATAG_REVISION?

A revision for me is attached to certain bugs/problems which we may need
to work around in software.  Think about something like "we can enable
caching only on rev2 CPUs".  For all I know, the ATAG_REVISION tag seems
to capture this aspect.  The maximum speed of a CPU is orthogonal for
me, i.e. there can still be a fast and a slow rev 1 CPU but still we
cannot enable cache.  Do you see my point?  If you want to express a
maximum speed, then use an ATAG which supports such a usage.  Reading
the name ATAG_REVISION in code I would _never_ think that this
transports the maximum clock frequency.

>>  Is this really a good idea?  I can easily imagine different
>> CPU revisions with different maximum clock frequencies.  How will you
>> handle that?
> I don't think I understood you. This patch _is_ meant to handle
> different revisions of DA850 EVMs populated with DA850 devices
> of differing speed grades.

I hope I explained my point better this time.

>> > Note that U-Boot itself does not set the CPU rate. The CPU
>> > speed is setup by a primary bootloader ("UBL"). The rate setup
>> > by UBL could be different from the maximum speed grade of the
>> > device.
>> I do not understand how the UBL gets to set the _U-Boot_ environment
>> variable "maxspeed".  Can you please explain how this is done?
> UBL does not (cannot) set the maxspeed variable. The user of U-Boot is
> expected to set it based on what he sees on the packaging. Alternately
> he can also change the U-Boot configuration file and re-build U-Boot.
> UBL will setup the board to work at the common frequency of 300 MHz.

I see, so please write in the documentation that the user is supposed to
set this variable correctly for his chip.  I did not read this from the

>> > Signed-off-by: Sekhar Nori <nsek...@ti.com>
>> > ---
>> > v2: removed unnecessary logical OR while constructing revision value
>> >
>> >  board/davinci/da8xxevm/da850evm.c |   38 
>> > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> >  include/configs/da850evm.h        |    1 +
>> >  2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
>> >
>> > diff --git a/board/davinci/da8xxevm/da850evm.c 
>> > b/board/davinci/da8xxevm/da850evm.c
>> > index eeb456c..0eb3608 100644
>> > --- a/board/davinci/da8xxevm/da850evm.c
>> > +++ b/board/davinci/da8xxevm/da850evm.c
>> > @@ -70,6 +70,44 @@ static const struct lpsc_resource lpsc[] = {
>> >     { DAVINCI_LPSC_GPIO },
>> >  };
>> >
>> > +#ifndef CONFIG_DA850_EVM_MAX_SPEED
>> > +#define CONFIG_DA850_EVM_MAX_SPEED 300000
>> > +#endif
>> > +
>> > +/*
>> > + * get_board_rev() - setup to pass kernel board revision information
>> > + * Returns:
>> > + * bit[0-3]        Maximum speed supported by the DA850/OMAP-L138/AM18x 
>> > part
>> > + *         0 - 300 MHz
>> > + *         1 - 372 MHz
>> > + *         2 - 408 MHz
>> > + *         3 - 456 MHz
>> The description says it returns "bit[0-3]" which may seem that those
>> canstants are encoded by a single bit each, whereas the code uses
>> integer values.  Change either the comment or the code.
> [0-3] usually indicates the range the range 0 to 3. Do you have
> suggestions on how else this might be documented?

As I said, "bit[0-3]" denotes the 4 bits 0-3, i.e. a range from 0-15.
(In this context the numbers below would actually translate into
individual bits.)  Just drop this "bit[0-3]" and it is clear.

>> Moreover I do not like that you call the variable "maxpseed" but
>> interpret the value in kHz.  Maybe the variable should be called
>> "maxspeed_khz"?
> I am hoping the documentation promised in the response above
> will help clarify its usage. I wanted to keep the variable name
> short.

Shortness is a worthwhile goal but clearness even more so.  Those 4
characters would prevent anyone from ever looking into the documentation
on deciding what unit the value is in.  Personally I believe this is
worth it.  I still remember old times when the Linux kernel for PowerPC
switched from its interpretation of clock frequencies from hz to mhz and
the many support questions it generated....


Of course my password is the same as my pet's name
My macaw's name was Q47pY!3 and I change it every 90 days
                        -- Trevor Linton
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