
2010/8/12 Vitaly Kuzmichev <vkuzmic...@mvista.com>:
> 1) Restuct Makefile to unable usage old and new stacks simultaneously
> 4) Fix in_ep, out_ep, ep0 and status_ep confusions
> 5) Replace 'strcpy' by 'strlcpy'
> 6) Fix possible oops on stat_req->buf initialization


> 2) Add lost 'qmult' definition for High Speed devices

Stefano, which version of this fix do you prefer? It seems there are
now 2 patches fixing the same thing...

> 3) Take debug printout macros back and make them more useful
> 7) 2 updates backported from linux-2.6.git

Besides the already made review comments: OK

Please fix. Thanks.

Kind regards,

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