On 3/27/20 9:07 AM, Punit Agrawal wrote:
Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de> writes:

Persist non-volatile UEFI variables in a file on the EFI system partition.

The file is written:

* whenever a non-volatile UEFI variable is changed after initialization
   of the UEFI sub-system.
* upon ExitBootServices()

I might be missing something but how does this cope with the ESP being
on a storage medium access to which is owned by the OS at runtime? e.g.,
partition on eMMC or SATA drive.

This development does not guard against manipulation by the OS.

Ilias is cureently working on a solution for ATF based devices that will
provide secure storage for variables.

The file is read during the UEFI sub-system initialization to restore
non-volatile UEFI variables.

Signed-off-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de>
  include/efi_variable.h              |  36 +++++
  lib/efi_loader/Kconfig              |   8 +
  lib/efi_loader/Makefile             |   1 +
  lib/efi_loader/efi_variable.c       |  12 +-
  lib/efi_loader/efi_variables_file.c | 235 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  5 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
  create mode 100644 include/efi_variable.h
  create mode 100644 lib/efi_loader/efi_variables_file.c


diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/Kconfig b/lib/efi_loader/Kconfig
index e10ca05549..41705fc252 100644
--- a/lib/efi_loader/Kconfig
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/Kconfig
@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ config EFI_LOADER


+       bool "Store non-volatile UEFI variables as file"
+       depends on FAT_WRITE
+       default y
+       help
+         Select tis option if you want non-volatile UEFI variables to be stored


+         as file /ubootefi.var on the EFI system partition.
  config EFI_GET_TIME
        bool "GetTime() runtime service"
        depends on DM_RTC


diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_variables_file.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a918d3fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_variables_file.c
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * File interface for UEFI variables
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2020, Heinrich Schuchardt
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <charset.h>
+#include <fs.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <mapmem.h>
+#include <efi_loader.h>
+#include <efi_variable.h>
+#include <u-boot/crc.h>
+#define PART_STR_LEN 10
+ * efi_set_blk_dev_to_system_partition() - select EFI system partition
+ *
+ * Set the EFI system partition as current block device.
+ *
+ * Return:     status code
+ */
+static efi_status_t __maybe_unused efi_set_blk_dev_to_system_partition(void)
+       char part_str[PART_STR_LEN];
+       int r;
+       if (!efi_system_partition.if_type)
+               return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+       snprintf(part_str, PART_STR_LEN, "%u:%u",
+                efi_system_partition.devnum, efi_system_partition.part);
+       r = fs_set_blk_dev(blk_get_if_type_name(efi_system_partition.if_type),
+                          part_str, FS_TYPE_ANY);
+       if (r) {
+               printf("Cannot read EFI system partition\n");
+               return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+       }
+       return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ * efi_var_collect() - collect non-volatile variables in buffer
+ *
+ * A buffer is allocated and filled with all non-volatile variables in a
+ * format ready to be written to disk.
+ *
+ * @bufp:      pointer to pointer of buffer with collected variables
+ * @lenp:      pointer to length of buffer
+ * Return:     status code
+ */
+static efi_status_t __maybe_unused efi_var_collect(struct efi_var_file **bufp,
+                                                  loff_t *lenp)
+       size_t len = EFI_VAR_BUF_SIZE;
+       struct efi_var_file *buf;
+       struct efi_var_entry *var, *old_var;
+       size_t old_var_name_length = 2;
+       *bufp = NULL; /* Avoid double free() */
+       buf = calloc(1, len);
+       if (!buf)
+               return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+       var = buf->var;
+       old_var = var;
+       for (;;) {
+               efi_uintn_t data_length, var_name_length;
+               u8 *data;
+               efi_status_t ret;
+               if ((uintptr_t)buf + len <=
+                   (uintptr_t)var->name + old_var_name_length)
+                       return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
+               var_name_length = (uintptr_t)buf + len - (uintptr_t)var->name;
+               memcpy(var->name, old_var->name, old_var_name_length);
+               guidcpy(&var->guid, &old_var->guid);
+               ret = efi_get_next_variable_name_int(
+                               &var_name_length, var->name, &var->guid);
+               if (ret == EFI_NOT_FOUND)
+                       break;
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+                       free(buf);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               old_var_name_length = var_name_length;
+               old_var = var;
+               data = (u8 *)var->name + old_var_name_length;
+               data_length = (uintptr_t)buf + len - (uintptr_t)data;
+               ret = efi_get_variable_int(var->name, &var->guid,
+                                          &var->attr, &data_length, data);
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+                       free(buf);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               if (!(var->attr & EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE))
+                       continue;
+               var->length = data_length;
+               var = (struct efi_var_entry *)
+                     ALIGN((uintptr_t)data + data_length, 8);
+       }
+       buf->reserved = 0;
+       buf->magic = EFI_VAR_FILE_MAGIC;
+       len = (uintptr_t)var - (uintptr_t)buf;
+       buf->crc32 = crc32(0, (u8 *)buf->var,
+                          len - sizeof(struct efi_var_file));
+       buf->length = len;
+       *bufp = buf;
+       *lenp = len;
+       return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ * efi_var_to_file() - save non-volatile variables as file
+ *
+ * File ubootefi.var is created on the EFI system partion.
+ *
+ * Return:     status code
+ */

The return value doesn't seem to be used in this patch. Is it really

It can be remove.

Thanks for reviewing.

Best regards



+efi_status_t efi_var_to_file(void)
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       struct efi_var_file *buf;
+       loff_t len;
+       loff_t actlen;
+       int r;
+       ret = efi_var_collect(&buf, &len);
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               goto error;
+       ret = efi_set_blk_dev_to_system_partition();
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               goto error;
+       r = fs_write(EFI_VAR_FILE_NAME, map_to_sysmem(buf), 0, len, &actlen);
+       if (r || len != actlen)
+               ret =  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               printf("Failed to persist EFI variables\n");
+       free(buf);
+       return ret;
+       return EFI_SUCCESS;


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