Hi Felix,

On Thursday 12 August 2010 08:55:08 Felix Radensky wrote:
> Can someone please share a BDI3000 configuration for u-boot/kernel
> debugging on 460EX revB.

The one I'm using on my Canyonlands attached. As always you need to change 
your local settings (IP-addresses etc).


DENX Software Engineering GmbH,      MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
HRB 165235 Munich,  Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-0 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: off...@denx.de
;;;bdiGDB configuration file for AMCC 460EX Evaluation Board (Canyonlands)
;;; Written by: Victor Gallardo (vgalla...@amcc.com)
;;; Before using, update the following parameters in the appropiate
;;; part locations below:
;;;     IP      <tftpboot sever ip address>
;;;     FILE    <u-boot.bin file location on tftpboot server>
;;;     FORMAT  <see comments where this is defined>
;;;     ERASE   <see comments where this is defined>
;;; To program u-boot.bin into NOR Flash do the following:
;;; (see FLASH section for more info):
;;;     > reset
;;;     > erase
;;;     > prog
;;;     > md 0xfff80000  ; verify if u-boot.bin size is 512KB
;;;     > md 0xfffa0000  ; verify if u-boot.bin size is 384KB
;;; To start u-boot do the following:
;;;     > reset
;;;     > go
;;; To read all 9 Board Control and Status Registers (BCSR) do the following:
;;;     > stop
;;;     > mdb 0xe1000000 9

;;; Setup TLB
WTLB    0xFF000075  0x4FF0003F  ;Boot Space 16MB
WTLB    0x80000055  0x4000003F  ;SRAM and OCM access
WTLB    0xE1000005  0x4E10003F  ;BCSR 1KB
;;; Setup Boot Space and Flash access
;;;    Note: Flash is 64MB but Boot Space is only 16MB
WDCR    0x12    0x10            ;Select EBC0_B0AP
WDCR    0x13    0x10055e00      ;B0AP: Flash
WDCR    0x12    0x00            ;Select EBC0_B0CR
WDCR    0x13    0xff09a000      ;B0CR: 16MB, 16Bit at 0xFF000000
;;; Setup SRAM and OCM Access
WDCR    0x030   0x00000008      ;Disable L2 Cache and enable SRAM R/W access
WDCR    0x020   0x00000984      ;Base address, size 64KB and R/W access
WDCR    0x021   0x00010984      ;Base address, size 64KB and R/W access
WDCR    0x022   0x00020984      ;Base address, size 64KB and R/W access
WDCR    0x023   0x00030984      ;Base address, size 64KB and R/W access
WDCR    0x02A   0x00000000      ;Disable parity checking
WDCR    0x0B0   0x00040984      ;Base address, size 64KB and R/W access
;;; Setup Board Control and Status Registers (BCSR) Access
WDCR    0x12    0x12            ;Select EBC0_B2AP
WDCR    0x13    0x00804240      ;B2AP: BCSR
WDCR    0x12    0x02            ;Select EBC0_B2AP
WDCR    0x13    0xe1018000      ;B2CR: 1MB at 0xE1000000, r/w,  8-bit
;;; Disable Flash Boot Sector write protect
WM8     0xe1000006  0x00        ; BCSR[5].1 = 0

JTAGCLOCK       0       ;use 8 MHz JTAG clock
CPUTYPE         440     ;the used target CPU type
WAKEUP          100     ;wakeup time after reset
BREAKMODE       HARD    ;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses PPC hardware breakpoint
STEPMODE        HWBP    ;JTAG or HWBP, HWBP uses one or two hardware breakpoints

IP  ;Your tftpboot server IP address
FILE        /tftpboot/canyonlands/u-boot.bin
DUMP        /tftpboot/canyonlands/dump.bin
PROMPT      460EX>

WORKSPACE  0x80000000   ;workspace in SRAM for fast programming algorithm
CHIPTYPE   MIRRORX16    ;Flash type
CHIPSIZE   0x01000000   ;Flash is 64MB but Boot Space is only 16MB
BUSWIDTH   16           ;The width of the flash memory bus in bits (8|16|32)
FILE       canyonlands/u-boot.bin  ;File location on tftpboot server
;;; If u-boot.bin size is 512KB then use offset 0xfff8000 to program
;FORMAT     BIN 0xfff80000
;ERASE      0xfff80000  0x20000 ;erase 128KB
;ERASE      0xfffa0000  0x20000 ;erase 128KB
;ERASE      0xfffc0000  0x20000 ;erase 128KB
;ERASE      0xfffe0000  0x20000 ;erase 128KB
;;; Else if u-boot.bin size is 384KB then use offset 0xfffa000 to program
FORMAT      BIN 0xfffa0000
ERASE      0xfffa0000  0x20000 ;erase 128KB
ERASE      0xfffc0000  0x20000 ;erase 128KB
ERASE      0xfffe0000  0x20000 ;erase 128KB

IDCR1   0x010   0x011   ;SDRAM0_CFGADDR and SDRAM0_CFGDATA
IDCR2   0x012   0x013   ;EBC0_CFGADDR   and EBC0_CFGDATA
IDCR5   0x00C   0x00D   ;CPR0_CFGADDR   and CPR0_CFGDATA
IDCR6   0x00E   0x00F   ;SDR0_CFGADDR   and SDR0_CFGDATA
;;; If you have Firmware version 1.16 or greater, you can
;;; enable PMM support here and in reg definition file.
;PMM1   0x40000         ;Peripheral (base addr 4_0000_0000)

FILE    /tftpboot/BDI2000/reg460ex.def

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