The way that we have been handling additional DTC warning flags hasn't
matched the way the Linux Kernel does.  Resync this logic with v4.17.

Signed-off-by: Tom Rini <>
 scripts/Makefile.extrawarn | 21 ---------------------
 scripts/Makefile.lib       | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.extrawarn b/scripts/Makefile.extrawarn
index 1105c76be12f..80231fbddfda 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.extrawarn
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.extrawarn
@@ -56,25 +56,4 @@ endif
 KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(warning)
-dtc-warning-2 += -Wnode_name_chars_strict
-dtc-warning-2 += -Wproperty_name_chars_strict
-dtc-warning := $(dtc-warning-$(findstring 1, 
-dtc-warning += $(dtc-warning-$(findstring 2, 
-dtc-warning += $(dtc-warning-$(findstring 3, 
-DTC_FLAGS += $(dtc-warning)
-# Disable noisy checks by default
-DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-unit_address_vs_reg
-DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-simple_bus_reg
-DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-unit_address_format
-DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-pci_bridge
-DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-pci_device_bus_num
-DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-pci_device_reg
-DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-avoid_unnecessary_addr_size
-DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-alias_paths
diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.lib b/scripts/Makefile.lib
index 30f392fdfb08..bfb5851e9bfa 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.lib
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.lib
@@ -274,6 +274,22 @@ cmd_gzip = (cat $(filter-out FORCE,$^) | gzip -n -f -9 > 
$@) || \
 # DTC
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Disable noisy checks by default
+ifeq ($(findstring 1,$(KBUILD_ENABLE_EXTRA_GCC_CHECKS)),)
+DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-unit_address_vs_reg \
+       -Wno-unit_address_format \
+       -Wno-avoid_unnecessary_addr_size \
+       -Wno-alias_paths \
+       -Wno-pci_device_reg
+ifneq ($(findstring 2,$(KBUILD_ENABLE_EXTRA_GCC_CHECKS)),)
+DTC_FLAGS += -Wnode_name_chars_strict \
+       -Wproperty_name_chars_strict
+DTC_FLAGS += $(DTC_FLAGS_$(basetarget))
 # Generate an assembly file to wrap the output of the device tree compiler
 quiet_cmd_dt_S_dtb= DTB     $@
 # Modified for U-Boot

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