Arrange the bitfields of each register in the ascending order.

Signed-off-by: Dario Binacchi <>

Changes in v3: None
Changes in v2: None

 drivers/video/am335x-fb.c | 29 ++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/video/am335x-fb.c b/drivers/video/am335x-fb.c
index 92e37bd1e0..648ce508cc 100644
--- a/drivers/video/am335x-fb.c
+++ b/drivers/video/am335x-fb.c
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 #define LCDC_FMAX                              200000000
 /* LCD Control Register */
-#define LCD_CLK_DIVISOR(x)                     (((x) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 8)
 #define LCD_RASTER_MODE                                BIT(0)
+#define LCD_CLK_DIVISOR(x)                     (((x) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 8)
 /* LCD Clock Enable Register */
 #define LCD_CORECLKEN                          BIT(0)
 #define LCD_LIDDCLKEN                          BIT(1)
@@ -40,29 +40,28 @@
 #define LCD_DMA_BURST_8                                0x3
 #define LCD_DMA_BURST_16                       0x4
 /* LCD Timing_0 Register */
-#define LCD_HBPLSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 24)
-#define LCD_HFPLSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 16)
-#define LCD_HSWLSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(5, 0)) << 10)
-#define LCD_HORLSB(x)          (((((x) >> 4) - 1) & GENMASK(5, 0)) << 4)
 #define LCD_HORMSB(x)                          (((((x) >> 4) - 1) & 0x40) >> 4)
+#define LCD_HORLSB(x)          (((((x) >> 4) - 1) & GENMASK(5, 0)) << 4)
+#define LCD_HSWLSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(5, 0)) << 10)
+#define LCD_HFPLSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 16)
+#define LCD_HBPLSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 24)
 /* LCD Timing_1 Register */
-#define LCD_VBP(x)                             (((x) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 24)
-#define LCD_VFP(x)                             (((x) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 16)
-#define LCD_VSW(x)                     ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(5, 0)) << 10)
 #define LCD_VERLSB(x)                          (((x) - 1) & GENMASK(9, 0))
+#define LCD_VSW(x)                     ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(5, 0)) << 10)
+#define LCD_VFP(x)                             (((x) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 16)
+#define LCD_VBP(x)                             (((x) & GENMASK(7, 0)) << 24)
 /* LCD Timing_2 Register */
-#define LCD_HSWMSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(9, 6)) << 21)
-#define LCD_VERMSB(x)                          ((((x) - 1) & BIT(10)) << 16)
-#define LCD_HBPMSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(9, 8)) >> 4)
 #define LCD_HFPMSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(9, 8)) >> 8)
+#define LCD_HBPMSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(9, 8)) >> 4)
 #define LCD_INVMASK(x)                         ((x) & GENMASK(25, 20))
+#define LCD_VERMSB(x)                          ((((x) - 1) & BIT(10)) << 16)
+#define LCD_HSWMSB(x)                  ((((x) - 1) & GENMASK(9, 6)) << 21)
 /* LCD Raster Ctrl Register */
+#define LCD_RASTER_ENABLE                      BIT(0)
+#define LCD_TFT_MODE                           BIT(7)
+#define LCD_PALMODE_RAWDATA                    (0x02 << 20)
 #define LCD_TFT_24BPP_MODE                     BIT(25)
 #define LCD_TFT_24BPP_UNPACK                   BIT(26)
-#define LCD_PALMODE_RAWDATA                    (0x02 << 20)
-#define LCD_TFT_MODE                           BIT(7)
-#define LCD_RASTER_ENABLE                      BIT(0)
 /* Macro definitions */
 #define FBSIZE(x)      ((x->hactive * x->vactive * x->bpp) >> 3)

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