On 1/8/20 3:15 PM, Daniel Schwierzeck wrote:

Am 01.01.20 um 08:34 schrieb Heinrich Schuchardt:
Code sections should be syntax highlighted as bash.
Comment lines in code should start with a hash sign ('#') but code lines
should not.
Most commands can be executed as normal users. Prepend those commands
requiring elevated authorization with 'sudo'.
dd does not have a parameter cout.
sfdisk does not have a -C parameter on Debian Buster.
Provide the necessary input to sfdisk.
Creating a partition of length zero makes no sense.

Signed-off-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de>
  doc/board/emulation/qemu-mips.rst | 108 +++++++++++++++++-------------
  1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

applied to u-boot-mips, thanks.

Hello Daniel,

I can see the patch in mips/next. But unfortunately it never made it
into a pull request.

Best regards


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