When applying DTBO on top of DTB (with "fdt apply" command) on AM57x EVM
board, there is not enough memory reserved in RAM for DTB blob. Hence,
DTBO can't be merged in DTB. It leads to inability to boot Android with
next error message:

    failed on fdt_overlay_apply(): FDT_ERR_NOSPACE

To overcome that issue let's provide 512 KiB of space to keep DTB and
all merged DTBO blobs. To do so, "length" parameter should be specified
for "fdt addr" command:

    => fdt addr $fdtaddr 0x80000

512 KiB is the maximum size we can use for this, because next address
after $fdtaddr is 512 KiB ahead of it:


Also add size variables to 'adtimg' command invocations, to avoid
cluttering the console with DTBO blob sizes.

Signed-off-by: Sam Protsenko <joe.s...@gmail.com>
Changes in v2:
  - Reserve 512 KiB for DTB area, not 1 MiB

 include/environment/ti/boot.h | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/environment/ti/boot.h b/include/environment/ti/boot.h
index 523c8fc4fe..11a57af0a4 100644
--- a/include/environment/ti/boot.h
+++ b/include/environment/ti/boot.h
@@ -103,18 +103,18 @@
                "echo \"  Reading DTB for AM57x EVM RevA3...\"; " \
                "abootimg get dtb --index=0 dtb_start dtb_size; " \
                "cp.b $dtb_start $fdtaddr $dtb_size; " \
-               "fdt addr $fdtaddr; " \
+               "fdt addr $fdtaddr 0x80000; " \
                "echo \"  Applying DTBOs for AM57x EVM RevA3...\"; " \
                "adtimg addr $dtboaddr; " \
-               "adtimg get dt --index=0 dtbo0_addr; " \
+               "adtimg get dt --index=0 dtbo0_addr dtbo0_size; " \
                "fdt apply $dtbo0_addr; " \
-               "adtimg get dt --index=1 dtbo1_addr; " \
+               "adtimg get dt --index=1 dtbo1_addr dtbo1_size; " \
                "fdt apply $dtbo1_addr; " \
        "elif test $board_name = beagle_x15_revc; then " \
                "echo \"  Reading DTB for Beagle X15 RevC...\"; " \
                "abootimg get dtb --index=0 dtb_start dtb_size; " \
                "cp.b $dtb_start $fdtaddr $dtb_size; " \
-               "fdt addr $fdtaddr; " \
+               "fdt addr $fdtaddr 0x80000; " \
        "else " \
                "echo Error: Android boot is not supported for $board_name; " \
                "exit; " \

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