>There is nothing to 'implement'. Page mode flash has a
>timing parameter indicating the time to the first read,
>and then the time for subsequent reads within a page
>to return.
>If you are interfacing to this flash using a processor
>local bus controller, then you generally only have one
>read timing parameter you can configure. In that case,
>you would have to configure the local bus controller
>read timing of the processor to the flash worst-case
>value, i.e., the timing for the read of the first word
>in a page.

The local bus controller of your processor have to support the page mode
for NOR Flash.
IIRC, The GPCM of PQx doesn't support such feature right now.

>If you are interfacing to the flash using an FPGA, then
>you can exploit this feature. For example, I use this
>feature to get optimal read timing from a FPGA configuration

It is easy to control the timing for FPGA.

Thanks, Dave

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