Hi, this Patch seems to break init-chain at least on bpi-r64 if BINMAN_FDT not disabled (enabled by default). adding some code for debugging
38 int binman_init(void) 39 { 40 binman = malloc(sizeof(struct binman_info)); 41 printf("%s:%d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); 42 if (!binman) 43 return log_msg_ret("space for binman", -ENOMEM); 44 printf("%s:%d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); 45 binman->image = ofnode_path("/binman"); 46 printf("%s:%d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); 47 if (!ofnode_valid(binman->image)) 48 return log_msg_ret("binman node", -EINVAL); <<<<<<<<<<< this seems to break init-flow 49 50 printf("%s:%d",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); 51 return 0; 52 } results in this: binman_init:41binman_init:44binman_init:46initcall sequence 000000004ffd2588 failed at call 0000000041e0cdec (err=-22) regards Frank