On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 05:51:08PM +0100, Eugeniu Rosca wrote:

> Trying to extend 'adtimg' functionality [1], we've been severely hit
> by a major limitation in the command's usage scheme. Specifically, the
> command's user interface appears to be too centric to getting the
> DTB/DTBO entry [3] based on the index of the desired DT in the image,
> which makes it really difficult retrieving the DT entry based on
> alternative criteria (e.g. filtering by id/rev fields), the
> latter being demanded by real life customer use-cases [1].
> This went to the point of receiving below feedback from Sam [2]:
>  -- snip --
>  As for 'dtimg' command: after giving it some thought, I think not much
>  people using it yet. So in this particular case I don't have some
>  strong preference, and if you think the 'dtimg' interface is ugly, and
>  it overcomes "don't break interfaces" rule, maybe now is a good time
>  to rework it (before it gets widely used).
>  -- snip --
> Given the above, rework the usage pattern from [4] to [5], in order to
> allow an intuitive enablement of "by id|rev" DT search [6].
> [1] https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/cover/1202575/
>     ("cmd: dtimg: Enhance with --id and --rev options (take #1)")
> [2] https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/1182207/#2317020
> [3] https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/dto/partitions
> [4] Old usage
> adtimg dump <addr>                    - Print image contents
> adtimg start <addr> <index> <varname> - Get DT address by index
> adtimg size <addr> <index> <varname>  - Get DT size by index
> [5] New usage
> adtimg addr <addr>                      - Set image location to <addr>
> adtimg dump                             - Print out image contents
> adtimg get dt --index=<i> [avar [svar]] - Get DT address and size by index
> [6] Soon-to-be-provided "by id|rev" add-on functionality
> adtimg get dt --id=<id> --rev=<rev> [avar [svar [ivar]]]
>  - Get DT address/size/index by id|rev fields
> Signed-off-by: Eugeniu Rosca <ero...@de.adit-jv.com>
> Reviewed-by: Sam Protsenko <semen.protse...@linaro.org>

Applied to u-boot/master, thanks!


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