On 1/9/20 9:02 AM, Ilias Apalodimas wrote:
On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 01:08:35AM +0100, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote:
On 12/18/19 1:44 AM, AKASHI Takahiro wrote:
One of major missing features in current UEFI implementation is "secure boot."
The ultimate goal of my attempt is to implement image authentication based
on signature and provide UEFI secure boot support which would be fully
compliant with UEFI specification, section 32[1].
(The code was originally developed by Patrick Wildt.)

Please note, however, this patch doesn't work on its own; there are
a couple of functional dependencies[2] and [3], that I have submitted
before. For complete workable patch set, see my repository[4],
which also contains experimental timestamp-based revocation suuport.

My "non-volatile" support[5], which is under discussion, is not mandatory
and so not included here, but this inevitably implies that, for example,
signature database variables, like db and dbx, won't be persistent unless you
explicitly run "env save" command and that UEFI variables are not separated
from U-Boot environment. Anyhow, Linaro is also working on implementing
real "secure storage" solution based on TF-A and OP-TEE.

Device trees can be used for denial of service or to destroy hardware.

How will you address the validation of device trees?

Although this is really simple to solve, factoring in the different vendor
needs makes it quite complex.
There's a couple of options we can consider and not all of them are sane.

1. U-Boot embeds the DTB. This is straightforward. On Arm devices TF-A
verifies U-boot so you natively end up with a verified DTB. If U-Boot does not
include the proper DTB (as is the case for several devices), one can always
complite the correct DTB and compile with EXT_DTB.
2. Use https://github.com/jiazhang0/SELoader which verifies non-PE files
3. Add some custom code and use UEFI keyring to verify non PE files. This is a
bad idea though since you'll 'polute' the UEFI keyring.
4. FIT for DTB (??)

In any case UEFI job is to verify PE/COFF executables and that's what this patch
provides. DTB verification is beyond UEFI secure boot patches imho.


The UEFI specification does not mention device trees at all. EDK2 is
based on ACPI tables.

We already have verified boot via signed UEFI FIT images which can
contain an UEFI image and a device tree. So for verified boot of Linux
you would simply package shim and the device tree into a FIT image. Shim
would verify GRUB and GRUB would verify the kernel and the ramdisk. In
this scenario we don't need the current patch series at all and it
integrates well with distributions like Debian which provide shim for
arm64, cf. https://packages.debian.org/de/bullseye/shim-signed .

If we implement secure boot according the UEFI specification, one option
would be to package the device tree as a UEFI driver image and let the
stub install it as a configuration table. The unload callback could be
used to remove the device tree.

Best regards


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