Hi Adam, > I am attempting to boot the Pine64-lts with a Trusted OS. In the ARM-TF > documentation it states "make sure the loader (SPL) loads the Trusted OS > binary to the beginning of DRAM (0x40000000)." I have yet to find a > mechanism by which U-Boot's SPL for this platform can be configured to do > this. Any help would be appreciated.
It can't be easily "configured" officially, as I am not sure what would be the proper and canonical way here. Apart from the FEL boot hack that Amit mentioned the best way to achieve this is to add a secure payload to the FIT image, by using a custom .its file: - Compile U-Boot normally, that should produce a u-boot.its file. - Edit this file to add a node for your BL32 to the /images node: bl32 { description = "Secure payload"; data = /incbin/("bl32.bin"); type = "firmware"; arch = "arm64"; compression = "none"; load = <0x40000000>; }; - Reference this node in the config_1 node below: ... loadables = "atf", "bl32"; ... - Then recreate u-boot.itb: ./tools/mkimage -E -f u-boot.its -p 0x0 u-boot.itb u-boot.its will be overwritten by every call to make, so take care. The .itb file is the FIT image that goes behind the SPL on the SD card/eMMC/SPI flash. You can cat together spl/sunxi-spl.bin and u-boot.itb to create the final u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin image. Good luck! Cheers, Andre.