On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 11:56:00AM +0100, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote: > On 12/18/19 9:22 AM, Cristian Ciocaltea wrote: > > > > + }; > > > > +}; > > > > +''' > > > > + > > > > +@pytest.mark.boardspec('sandbox') > > > This test looks ok in principal. But why should we restrict it to the > > > sandbox? > > Let me see how this should work on real hardware, I'm going to test > > on qemu for the moment. > > Device trees cannot be used in conjunction with ACPI tables when booting > via UEFI. Currently this concerns only x86 and x86_64 but Phytec is > working on an arm64 board which shall provide an ACPI table. So you > probably want to check CONFIG_GENERATE_ACPI_TABLE instead of the board > type, e.g. > > @pytest.mark.notbuildconfigspec('generate_acpi_table')
Thanks for the hint! For some strange reason, whatever I put in the 'notbuildconfigspec' marker causes the test to be skipped: [-] Section: test_efi_fit TIME: NOW: 2019/12/18 17:33:14.976576 TIME: SINCE-PREV: 0:00:00.192132 TIME: SINCE-START: 0:00:00.192132 SKIPPED: ('[...]/uboot/test/py/conftest.py', 463, 'Skipped: .config feature "bootm_efi" enabled') I don't really understand the connection to 'bootm_efi'. If I comment out the 'bootm_efi' marker, the reported status becomes: SKIPPED: ('[].../uboot/test/py/conftest.py', 463, 'Skipped: .config feature "cmd_bootefi_hello_compile" enabled') So it seems 'notbuildconfigspec' gets its parameter from the first active 'buildconfigspec' statement. This is my current test: #@pytest.mark.buildconfigspec('bootm_efi') @pytest.mark.buildconfigspec('cmd_bootefi_hello_compile') #@pytest.mark.notbuildconfigspec('generate_acpi_table') @pytest.mark.notbuildconfigspec('fake_item') @pytest.mark.requiredtool('dtc') > Best regards > > Heinrich