On Monday 19 July 2010 13:05:09 Rogan Dawes wrote:
> >> If I do a normal md over the rest of the flash, I do see expected
> >> strings from the U-Boot "partition", and the kernel and ramdisk
> >> partitions. i.e. not duplicated or anything like that. Not sure if that
> >> answers your question at all?
> > 
> > No, it doesn't. But the unlocking addresses should give us the result
> > (8bit vs. 16bit wide connection). What does work for you? The byte
> > addresses or the word addresses (read manufacturer ID)?
> > 
> > Byte addresses:
> > 
> > =>  mw.b base + aaa aa
> > =>  mw.b base + 555 55
> > =>  mw.b base + aaa 90
> > =>  md.b base
> DNS323B1> mw.b 0xff800aaa aa
> DNS323B1> mw.b 0xff800555 55
> DNS323B1> mw.b 0xff800aaa 90
> DNS323B1> md.b 0xff800000
> ff800000: 7f 7f cb cb 00 00 08 08 7f 7f cb cb 00 00 08 08
> ...............
> ff800010: 7f 7f cb cb 00 00 08 08 7f 7f cb cb 00 00 08 08
> ...............
> ff800020: 7f 7f cb cb 00 00 08 08 7f 7f cb cb 00 00 08 08
> ...............
> ff800030: 7f 7f cb cb 00 00 08 08 7f 7f cb cb 00 00 08 08
> ...............

This doesn't seem to be the manufacturer/device ID. Not sure what it really 

> DNS323B1> mw.b ff800000 f0
> DNS323B1> mw.b ff800000 ff
> DNS323B1> md.b 0xff800000
> ff800000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> ...............
> ff800010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> ...............
> ff800020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> ...............
> ff800030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> ...............
> > Word addresses:
> > 
> > =>  mw.w base + 555 00aa
> > =>  mw.w base + 2aa 0055
> > =>  mw.w base + 555 0090
> > =>  md.w base
> This is quite odd, though.
> DNS323B1> mw.w 0xff800555 00aa
> .. never returns. It seems to hang up the board for some reason.

Ahh, unaligned 16bit access on ARM.

Please give these commands another try:

=>  mw.w ff800aaa 00aa
=>  mw.w ff800554 0055
=>  mw.w ff800aaa 0090
=>  md.w ff800000


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