On 12/4/19 3:43 AM, AKASHI Takahiro wrote:
Tom, Simon, Heinrich,
I have submitted three major patch sets for UEFI secure boot:
* x509/pkcs7 parser
* RSA library extension
* UEFI secure boot

I have no technical issues to fix now and have seen only a few minor
comments on them (if I confirm that you have no more comments,
I can submit new version almost immediately).
Considering those, can I expect that those patches be merged
in v2020.01?

If not, do you need to have more time for your reviewing?
What else do you expect from my side to accelerate the upstream?
We are reaching the end of the release cycle. So do not expect any of
these patch series to be merged in v2020.01.
cf. https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/ReleaseCycle

To my understanding the UEFI secure boot series depends on the other two
so it must be merged last.

Best regards


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