This serie add the support of aes192 and aes256.
This first commit clean a bit the code, and introduce
a constant for the block (instead of using the key size).
The second commit add the support of aes192 and aes256
to the lib and the cmd. The third update the code of
crypto for tegra20. The forth add a test unit for aes128,
and the sixth  add a test unit for aes 196 and aes256.

Philippe Reynes (5):
  aes: add a define for the size of a block
  aes: add support of aes192 and aes256
  tegra20: crypto: update code to use new aes api
  aes: add test unit for aes128
  aes: add test unit for aes196 and aes256

 arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra20/crypto.c |  41 +++++----
 cmd/aes.c                            |  40 ++++++---
 include/uboot_aes.h                  |  39 +++++---
 lib/aes.c                            | 111 ++++++++++++++---------
 test/lib/Makefile                    |   1 +
 test/lib/test_aes.c                  | 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/lib/test_aes.c


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