Hi, Vignesh,

On 10/01/2019 11:59 AM, Tudor Ambarus - M18064 wrote:
> @@ -1892,6 +1921,12 @@ static int spi_nor_parse_sfdp(struct spi_nor *nor,
>                       dev_info(dev, "non-uniform erase sector maps are not 
> supported yet.\n");
>                       break;
> +             case SFDP_MICROCHIP_ID:
> +                     err = spi_nor_parse_microchip_sfdp(nor, param_header);
> +                     if (err)
> +                             goto exit;

This can be improved though. At this point the BFPT parser succeeded, and it
would be a pity if we ignore the BFPT data when the vendor specific parser
fails. The goto exit should be replaced by a break and a warning message to
indicate when an optional parameter table fails.

Please let me know if there are other comments, I'll send v2 if all the rest 
are ok.

> +                     break;
> +
>               default:
>                       break;
>               }
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