Hello Wolfgang & list,

I have "ported" U-boot to a in house made board with Numonyx Axcell P33/P30
256-Mbit 65nm flash chips.

After some time :( searching for bugs in our board or soft, we have
discovered that those chips have a small but annoying bug, documented in
"Numonyx Axcell P33/P30 256-Mbit Specification Update"

It states :
When customer uses [...] block unlock, the block lock status might be
altered inadvertently. Lock status might be set to either 01h or 03h
unexpectedly (00h as expected data), which leads to program/erase failure
on certain blocks.

A working workaround is given, which I have applied and tested with success.

Signed-off-by: Philippe De Muyter <p...@macqel.be>

 drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c |   27 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c b/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c
index 3267c5d..0931137 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c
@@ -1347,16 +1347,29 @@ int flash_real_protect (flash_info_t * info, long 
sector, int prot)
        switch (info->vendor) {
                case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_PROG_REGIONS:
                case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_STANDARD:
-               case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED:
-                       flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0,
-                                        FLASH_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS);
-                       flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_PROTECT);
+               case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED: {
+                       unsigned short cmd;
                        if (prot)
-                               flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0,
-                                       FLASH_CMD_PROTECT_SET);
+                               cmd = FLASH_CMD_PROTECT_SET;
+                               cmd = FLASH_CMD_PROTECT_CLEAR;
+                       /* see errata
+                          "Numonyx Axcell P33/P30 Specification Update" :) */
+                       flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, FLASH_CMD_READ_ID);
+                       if (!flash_isequal (info, sector, FLASH_OFFSET_PROTECT,
+                                           prot)) {
+                               /* cmd must come before 20us after 
+                               /* Disable interrupts which might cause a 
timeout here */
+                               int flag = disable_interrupts ();
                                flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0,
-                                       FLASH_CMD_PROTECT_CLEAR);
+                                                 FLASH_CMD_PROTECT);
+                               flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, cmd);
+                               /* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+                               if (flag)
+                                       enable_interrupts ();
+                       }
+                       }
                case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_EXTENDED:
                case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_STANDARD:

Philippe De Muyter  phdm at macqel dot be  Tel +32 27029044
Macq Electronique SA  rue de l'Aeronef 2  B-1140 Bruxelles  Fax +32 27029077
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