Hi Ralph,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ralph Siemsen <ralph.siem...@linaro.org>
> Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 9:43 PM
> To: u-boot@lists.denx.de; Joe Hershberger <joe.hershber...@ni.com>; Alexey 
> Brodkin
> <abrod...@synopsys.com>; Vlad Zakharov <vzak...@synopsys.com>
> Cc: Ralph Siemsen <ralph.siem...@linaro.org>
> Subject: [RFC PATCH] net: designware: drop compatible altr,socfpga-stmmac
> The same compatible = "altr,socfpga-stmmac" appears in both
> drivers/net/designware.c and drivers/net/dwmac_socfgpa.c,
> creating ambiguity in which driver will be bound.
> For Intel/Altera SoC devices, dwmac_socfpga.c is the correct driver.
> So drop the compatible string from designware.c.
> Signed-off-by: Ralph Siemsen <ralph.siem...@linaro.org>
> ---
> This compatible string also appears in: axs10x_mb.dtsi and hsdk.dts.
> Maintainers of those boards have been copied, kindly review.

Thanks for this clean-up.

Speaking about AXS10x board where we do have DW GMAC
I cannot recall the reason I chose to use "altr,socfpga-stmmac"
for the board here [1] 3 years ago.

But given we don't have any special quirks implemented whatever
is the most generic DW GMAC compatible string is should be good for us.

Joe, could you please suggest if we need to use just "st,stm32-dwmac"
or add our own compatible as the ASIC is not from ST obviously but
an FPGA with Synopsys ARC SoC?


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