On 16/08/19, Oliver Graute wrote:
> I'am currently working on the following patch to get the imx8qm-rom7720-a1
> board working with recent u-boot v2019.07. Unfortunaly I get no output on my
> serial line.
> I'am not sure if something in my patch is just missing or if my composition of
> "SCFW + ATF + uboot" which is necessary for this imx8qm board, is not working
> the right way.
> Perhaps somebody can guide me in the right direction to debug this further.
> Currently I'am applying the patch and building u-boot this way:
> $ export ATF_LOAD_ADDR=0x80000000
> $ export BL33_LOAD_ADDR=0x80020000
> $ make imx8qm_rom7720_a1_4G_defconfig
> $ make flash.bin
> $ dd if=u-boot.itb of=flash.bin bs=512 seek=854
> $ sudo dd if=flash.bin of=/dev/sd[x] bs=1k seek=32 conv=fsync
> Then I put the SD card into the board and power it on. But no output ony my
> serial line.

ok I got this working by using the u-boot.bin

$ make u-boot.bin

and put it into the imx-mkimage repo from here:


to create the full bootstream with scfw + atf + u-boot.

I thought that I could create the full bootsteam directly in u-boot repo

> $ make flash.bin

as seen for other imx8 boards. Perhaps that is possible too but I don't
got it working that way.

U-Boot 2019.07-00001-g5854ff8d0e (Aug 19 2019 - 11:12:49 +0200)

CPU:   NXP i.MX8QM RevB A53 at 1200 MHz

Model: Advantech iMX8QM Qseven series
Board: ROM-7720-A1 4GB
Build: SCFW 65afe5f6
Boot:  SD2
DRAM:  3.9 GiB
Loading Environment from MMC... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial@5a060000
Out:   serial@5a060000
Err:   serial@5a060000
Error: ethernet@5b040000 address not set.
eth-1: ethernet@5b040000
Error: ethernet@5b040000 address not set.
Can't find FEC0 clk rate: -22
Could not get PHY for FEC1: addr 1
, eth-1: ethernet@5b050000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

Best regards,

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