Dear Wolfgang,

many thanks for your answer. 

> Seems your subject line is misleading. This has little to do with
> ns16550.c, but more with include/watchdog.h - or more precisely with
> incorrect or missing definitions in your board config file.

Sorry for my subject line.

After some research i found the combination that cause my problem.
It comes together if mpc8xx, ns16550 and watchdog defined together.
There is a general call for watchdog, and you are right about include/watchdog.h

what do you say If i propose a patch for it:

diff --git a/include/watchdog.h b/include/watchdog.h
index b959914..29439fa 100644
--- a/include/watchdog.h
+++ b/include/watchdog.h
@@ -70,11 +70,6 @@
  * Prototypes from $(CPU)/cpu.c.
-/* MPC 8xx */
-#if (defined(CONFIG_8xx) || defined(CONFIG_MPC860)) && !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)
-       void reset_8xx_watchdog(volatile immap_t *immr);
 /* MPC 5xx */
 #if defined(CONFIG_5xx) && !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)
        void reset_5xx_watchdog(volatile immap_t *immr);

The reset_8xx_watchdog(..) is not really needed here.
I have to say it may be wrong for other boards, but for NC650-board it helps.
Also it seems to me the code above the patch in include/watchdog.h looks more 
generally and used.
I mean hw_watchdog_reset(..) and watchdog_reset(..) calls.

Thanks for any advice.

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