On 30/07/2019 17:33, Grant Likely wrote:
>>> On 24 Jul 2019, at 14:39, Daniel Kiper <daniel.ki...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 01:27:11PM +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 11:18:56AM +0100, Leif Lindholm wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 12:13:07PM +0200, Daniel Kiper wrote:
>>>>>> I don't know yet - UEFI Asia plugfest date hasn't been decided yet,
>>>>>> and is likely to end up around the same time. And actually another
>>>>>> unrelated event too.
>>>>>> Certainly, Lyon is a quite convenient train journey from here :)
>>>>>> But I'm also happy to look into GRUB issues on 32-bit systems remotely
>>>>>> if someone could point me at them.
>>>>> I am not planning to be at ELC-E but I can help remotely if it is
>>>>> needed. However, there is another option. There is pretty good chance
>>>>> that I will get a MC slot at LPC. I am looking for people who want to
>>>>> talk. The overall plan is to devote this MC for boot stuff with focus
>>>>> on security. So, this maybe good place to discuss this. However, I am
>>>>> not ARM expert, so, I would like to see Leif and/or Alex or somebody
>>>>> else familiar with ARM stuff there too.
>>>> If I can get a ticket, I'm already intending to attend plumbers.
>>>> Registered on the waiting list.
>> Folks, our LPC MC was accepted:
>> https://linuxplumbersconf.org/event/4/page/34-accepted-microconferences#security
>> https://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/blog/2019/system-boot-and-security-microconference-accepted-into-2019-linux-plumbers-conference/
>> If you want to discuss something there please put a topic proposal on
>> LPC site. CfP closes on 2nd of August. If you need a pass or invite an
>> expert drop me a line.
> Thanks Daniel,
> It is certainly a worthy discussion topic for LPC. I’ll see if I can draft 
> something for the CfP on Friday. Unfortunately, I may not be at LPC. I’m not 
> even on the waiting list yet.
> Having an LPC topic is separate from the plugfest idea which is intended to 
> be a hacking sprint. I need to make a decision ASAP so I can give the LF an 
> answer by 8th Aug. Who is available Monday at 16:00BST to discuss?

I'll be most probably on holidays and in a tent without my computer.

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