On 28.06.19 12:03, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote:
I would be interested in joining. I hope that for the plugfest no ELC 
conference ticket will be needed.

The easiest option for that would be to submit a talk to ELC-E. IIRC the CfP is still open until July 1st. You could easily give one on "Progress in UEFI support on U-Boot" or "What it takes to run the edk2 Shell outside of edk2" or whatever :). You have plenty content to pull from.

If the talk goes in, that helps visibility and gets you free ticket - maybe even travel sponsorship! :)

The problems with booting Linux via U-Boot UEFI I know of are on 32bit ARM 
systems.  It could be helpful to have GRUB developers joining.

Let's make sure Daniel and Leif are on CC then :).

Daniel, Leif, would you be available?

As for myself, I will probably arrive on Monday around noon and will be around until Saturday morning, but with KVM Forum happening Wed-Fri I won't have much time on my hands there.



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