On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 4:00 AM Simon Goldschmidt
<simon.k.r.goldschm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Am 30.05.2019 um 11:03 schrieb Ley Foon Tan:
> > Add base address for Intel Agilex SoC.
> >
> > Reuse base_addr_s10.h for Agilex, only one base address is
> > different from S10.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Ley Foon Tan <ley.foon....@intel.com>
> > ---
> Wait, this is v2, right? What hss changed since v1? I notice v2 has 15
> patches while v1 had 14.
> Have you ever considered using patman and its helper tags? It would
> greatly reduce the effort for reviewers to keep things consistent and
> including a list of changes in each patch.
> I mean, when reading v2, I want to rely on you saying "patches 1, 3, and
> 5 of 14 have changed, the rest have not" to speed up my reviewing.
> Patman really helps you with that, just try it! And if you don't want
> to, well, look at how other developers send their multi-version patches...
> Regards,
> Simon
I will look into Patman for next revision.

Here is summary for this series:

Patch 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 have changed, the rest have not.
*Patch 7 is new patch for clock manager driver with DM.

Ley Foon
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