On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 03:47:13PM +0200, Jean-Jacques Hiblot wrote:
> Simon,
> On 24/05/2019 22:10, Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
> >Am 24.05.2019 um 22:07 schrieb Simon Goldschmidt:
> >>This adds a size check for SPL that can dynamically check generated
> >>SPL binaries (including devicetree) for a size limit that ensures
> >>this image plus global data, heap and stack fit in initial SRAM.
> >>
> >>Since some of these sizes are not available to make, a new host tool
> >>'spl_size_limit' is added that dumps the resulting maximum size for
> >>an SPL binary to stdout. This tool is used in toplevel Makefile to
> >>implement the size check on SPL binaries.
> >>
> >>Signed-off-by: Simon Goldschmidt <simon.k.r.goldschm...@gmail.com>
> >>---
> >>
> >>Changes in v3:
> >>- don't build this new tools for 'make tools-only'
> >
> >So this is how far I got.
> >
> >Tom, your idea with making this multi-config aware (U-Boot, SPL and TPL)
> >does not seem to work as 'tools' are only built once, not once per
> >U-Boot/SPL/TPL. So if we wanted to use this for TPL, too, that would
> >either mean create yet another tool or pass an option to this new tool to
> >differ between SPL and TPL.
> If the trouble comes from GENERATED_GBL_DATA_SIZE, you could get its value
> by parsing lib/asm-offsets.s. all the other values could be extracted from
> {.,spl,tpl}/u-boot.cfg

Getting that file to exist has the same problem over for "tools-only".

> If this flies, it could be done by a python script without the need to
> compile a program

I'm not sure that provides better clarity over what we have here tho.


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