Hi Michael,
On 14/05/19 20:44, Michael Nazzareno Trimarchi wrote:
Hi all

On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 3:40 PM Andrea Scian <andrea.sc...@dave.eu> wrote:

mxs_nand_command() implementation assume that it's working with a
LP NAND, which is a common case nowadays and thus uses two bytes
for column address.

However this is wrong for NAND_CMD_READID and NAND_CMD_PARAM, which
expects only one byte of column address, even for LP NANDs.
This leads to ONFI detection problem with some NAND manufacturer (like
Winbond) but not with others (like Samsung and Spansion)

We fix this with a simple workaround to avoid the 2nd byte column address
for those two commands.

Also align the code with nand_base to support 16 bit devices.

Tested on an iMX6SX device with:
* Winbond W29N04GVSIAA
* Spansion S34ML04G100TF100
* Samsung K9F4G08U00

Signed-off-by: Andrea Scian <andrea.sc...@dave.eu>
CC: Stefano Babic <sba...@denx.de>

Is this somenthing that is already addressed?

AFAIK, this is still an open problem on current master
This patch has not been integrated and the code is the same as the one that have the original issue

Andrea SCIAN

*DAVE Embedded Systems*

via Talponedo 29/A 33080 Porcia (PN) - Italy
Telephone: +39.0434.921215
Telefax: +39.0434.1994030
web: www.dave.eu <http://www.dave.eu>


  drivers/mtd/nand/raw/mxs_nand_spl.c | 14 +++++++++++++-
  1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/mtd/nand/raw/mxs_nand_spl.c 
index 2d7bbe83cc..ad3b7ade64 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/nand/raw/mxs_nand_spl.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/nand/raw/mxs_nand_spl.c
@@ -22,8 +22,20 @@ static void mxs_nand_command(struct mtd_info *mtd, unsigned 
int command,

         /* Serially input address */
         if (column != -1) {
+               /* Adjust columns for 16 bit buswidth */
+               if (chip->options & NAND_BUSWIDTH_16 &&
+                               !nand_opcode_8bits(command))
+                       column >>= 1;
                 chip->cmd_ctrl(mtd, column, NAND_ALE);
-               chip->cmd_ctrl(mtd, column >> 8, NAND_ALE);
+               /*
+                * Assume LP NAND here, so use two bytes column address
+                * but not for CMD_READID and CMD_PARAM, which require
+                * only one byte column address
+                */
+               if (command != NAND_CMD_READID &&
+                       command != NAND_CMD_PARAM)
+                       chip->cmd_ctrl(mtd, column >> 8, NAND_ALE);
         if (page_addr != -1) {
                 chip->cmd_ctrl(mtd, page_addr, NAND_ALE);

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