On 05/11/2010 03:59 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear "Hiremath, Vaibhav",
> In message<19f8576c6e063c45be387c64729e7394044e404...@dbde02.ent.ti.com>  you 
> wrote:
>>> Subject: [PATCH-V5] OMAP3EVM: Added NAND support
>>> From: Vaibhav Hiremath<hvaib...@ti.com>
>>> The EVMS have been shipping with NAND (instead of OneNAND) as default.
>>> So, this patch sets NAND as default.
>>> To choose OneNAND, define CMD_ONENAND instead of CMD_NAND in the
>>> config file omap3_evm.h,
>>> Changes From V4 :-
>>>     - Removed #undef ONENAND line (comment from Denk)
>>> Changes from V3 :-
>>>     - Refreshed against latest u-boot/master
>>> Changes from V2 :-
>>>     - Added undef statement for CMD_ONENAND.
>> [Hiremath, Vaibhav] Denk,
>> If we do not have any further comments, can we merge these patches?
> The patches you listed are either ARM related and as such to be
> handdled by the ARM custodian, Tom, and/or NAND related ans as such to
> be addressed by the NAND custodian, Scott.
> I just wait for their pull requests.

It's a board config change to turn on NAND, not a change to NAND itself, 
so it should go via the ARM tree.

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