Dear Nick Pelling,

On 6 May 2010 19:08, Nick Pelling <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Can anyone please tell me if the smdk6400_config / smdk_noUSB_config is
> suitable for using on the smdk6410 (i.e. for the S3C6410, Samsung's heavily
> updated version of the S3C6400)?

No, smdk6410 is different board.
But, they are very similar.. so it can be possible to work with
smdk6400_config. (or little modifications)

> While I can see patches related to the S3C6410 going in, I can only see the
> S3C6400 target in the u-boot-samsung git, wondered if I was missing
> something obvious. :-)

Yes, some peoples post patches related to the S3C6410,
but hadn't send the patch for smdk6410.

Minkyu Kang.
from. prom.
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