Scrub memory content if ECC is enabled and it is not
from warm reset boot.

Enable icache and dcache before scrub memory
and use "DC ZVA" instruction to clear memory
to zeros. This instruction writes a cache line
at a time and it can prevent false ECC error
trigger if write cache line partially.

Signed-off-by: Ley Foon Tan <>
 .../arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/sdram_s10.h |  9 +++
 drivers/ddr/altera/sdram_s10.c                | 76 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/sdram_s10.h 
index 89e355010d..354f80bfce 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/sdram_s10.h
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/sdram_s10.h
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ void setup_memory_banks(phys_addr_t bank_addr[], phys_size_t 
 #define ECCCTRL1                       0x100
 #define ECCCTRL2                       0x104
 #define ERRINTEN                       0x110
+#define ERRINTENS                      0x114
 #define INTMODE                                0x11c
 #define INTSTAT                                0x120
 #define AUTOWB_CORRADDR                        0x138
@@ -53,6 +54,10 @@ void setup_memory_banks(phys_addr_t bank_addr[], phys_size_t 
 #define DDR_HMC_SEQ2CORE_INT_RESP_MASK         BIT(3)
 #define DDR_HMC_HPSINTFCSEL_ENABLE_MASK                0x001f1f1f
+#define        DDR_HMC_ERRINTEN_INTMASK                                \
+               (DDR_HMC_ERRINTEN_SERRINTEN_EN_SET_MSK |        \
 /* NOC DDR scheduler */
 #define DDR_SCH_ID_COREID              0
 #define DDR_SCH_ID_REVID               0x4
@@ -181,4 +186,8 @@ void setup_memory_banks(phys_addr_t bank_addr[], 
phys_size_t bank_size[]);
 #define CALTIMING9_CFG_4_ACT_TO_ACT(x)                 \
        (((x) >> 0) & 0xFF)
+/* Firewall DDR scheduler MPFE */
+#define FW_HMC_ADAPTOR_REG_ADDR                        0xf8020004
+#define FW_HMC_ADAPTOR_MPU_MASK                        BIT(0)
 #endif /* _SDRAM_S10_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/ddr/altera/sdram_s10.c b/drivers/ddr/altera/sdram_s10.c
index ae4e5ea2fd..2c691d3bee 100644
--- a/drivers/ddr/altera/sdram_s10.c
+++ b/drivers/ddr/altera/sdram_s10.c
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ static const struct socfpga_system_manager *sysmgr_regs =
 #define DDR_CONFIG(A, B, C, R) (((A) << 24) | ((B) << 16) | ((C) << 8) | (R))
+#define PGTABLE_OFF    0x4000
 /* The followring are the supported configurations */
 u32 ddr_config[] = {
        /* DDR_CONFIG(Address order,Bank,Column,Row) */
@@ -135,6 +137,71 @@ static int poll_hmc_clock_status(void)
                                 SYSMGR_HMC_CLK_STATUS_MSK, true, 1000, false);
+static void sdram_clear_mem(phys_addr_t addr, phys_size_t size)
+       phys_size_t i;
+       if (addr % CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE) {
+               printf("DDR: address 0x%lx not cacheline size aligned.\n",
+                      (ulong)addr);
+               hang();
+       }
+       if (size % CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE) {
+               printf("DDR: size 0x%lx not multiple of cacheline size\n",
+                      (ulong)size);
+               hang();
+       }
+       /* Use DC ZVA instruction to clear memory to zeros by a cache line */
+       for (i = 0; i < size; i = i + CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE) {
+               asm("dc zva, %0"
+                    :
+                    : "r"(addr));
+               addr += CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE;
+       }
+static void sdram_init_ecc_bits(phys_addr_t *bank_start, phys_size_t 
+       phys_size_t size, size_init;
+       phys_addr_t start_addr;
+       int bank;
+       unsigned int start = get_timer(0);
+       icache_enable();
+       for (bank = 0; bank < CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS; bank++) {
+               start_addr = bank_start[bank];
+               size = bank_size[bank];
+               if (bank == 0) {
+                       /* Initialize small block for page table */
+                       memset((void *)start_addr, 0,
+                              PGTABLE_SIZE + PGTABLE_OFF);
+                       gd->arch.tlb_addr = start_addr + PGTABLE_OFF;
+                       gd->arch.tlb_size = PGTABLE_SIZE;
+                       start_addr += PGTABLE_SIZE + PGTABLE_OFF;
+                       size -= (PGTABLE_OFF + PGTABLE_SIZE);
+                       dcache_enable();
+               }
+               while (size) {
+                       size_init = min((phys_addr_t)SZ_1G, (phys_addr_t)size);
+                       sdram_clear_mem(start_addr, size_init);
+                       size -= size_init;
+                       start_addr += size_init;
+                       WATCHDOG_RESET();
+               }
+       }
+       dcache_disable();
+       icache_disable();
+       printf("SDRAM-ECC: Initialized success with %d ms\n",
+              (unsigned int)get_timer(start));
 static void sdram_size_check(phys_addr_t bank_start[], phys_size_t bank_size[])
        phys_size_t total_ram_check = 0;
@@ -451,6 +518,15 @@ int sdram_mmr_init_full(unsigned int unused)
                setbits_le32(SOCFPGA_SDR_ADDRESS + ECCCTRL2,
                             (DDR_HMC_ECCCTL2_RMW_EN_SET_MSK |
+               writel(DDR_HMC_ERRINTEN_INTMASK,
+                      SOCFPGA_SDR_ADDRESS + ERRINTENS);
+               /* Enable non-secure writes to HMC Adapter for SDRAM ECC */
+               /* Initialize memory content if not from warm reset */
+               if (!cpu_has_been_warmreset())
+                       sdram_init_ecc_bits(bank_start, bank_size);
        } else {
                clrbits_le32(SOCFPGA_SDR_ADDRESS + ECCCTRL1,
                             (DDR_HMC_ECCCTL_AWB_CNT_RST_SET_MSK |

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